- Commit yourself to the doctor's care. 将自己托给医生照料吧。
- Commit yourself to constant improvement. 对自己承诺要不断改进自己。
- Think carefully before you commit yourself to working at weekends. 好好考虑之后再决定是不是同意周末工作。
- You don't have to commit yourself to anything over the phone. 你不必在电话里承诺什么。
- Are you willing to commit yourself to practicing every day? 你愿意每天专心练习吗?
- The achievement of your goal is assured the moment you commit yourself to it. 一旦你全心投入,你的目标的实现就得到了保证。
- It is critical that you commit yourself to excellence and to always keep learning and improving. 关键是你自己犯下卓越,永远保持学习和提高。
- If you commit yourself to simple coding, your simple abstractions will sometimes come up short. 如果您致力于简单编码,您的简单抽象有时会一下子出现。
- You have only one life to live, why live it on the mediocre level? Commit yourself to excellence. 我们继续讲活出精彩人生,你只能活一次,为何要活得平平庸庸呢?
- Always believe that your ultimate goal is attainable as long as you commit yourself to it. 宝贵的机遇闪现在面前就要好好把握,相信只要全情投入,努力争取,梦想终可成真。
- Always believe that you ultimate goal is attainable as long as you commit yourself to it. 请谨记,只要你坚持不懈,最终的目标总能实现。
- Commit yourself to action.Set deadlines. Promise results to others.Fear of losing face is a powerful motivator. 行动起来。列出期限,向其他人承诺你的结果,怕丢面子是强大的动力。
- And when you have committed yourself to them, you have acquired a passport to that elusive but immutable realm of truth. 当你作出遵循标准的承诺时,你已获得了通往那难寻却永存的真理之国的护照。
- By beconing a New Zealander, You have committed yourself to this country. By choice, you take on both the responsibilities and privileges of citizenship. 成为一个新西兰公民,同时意味着您己投身与托付于这个国家。您在选择其公民权利时,也同时承担了其公民责任。
- Help yourself to this apple pie. 请吃点苹果馅饼。
- If you are convinced that a motivational strategy is for you then commit yourself to sending out a personalized card every 3 months for different holidays and events. 如果你认为你是一个发动机策略然后饮弹自己寄出个人卡每3个不同假日和事件。
- Don't allow yourself to be ruled by emotion. 不要感情用事。
- You must school yourself to be modest and prudent. 你要学会谦虚谨慎。
- Help yourself to whatever you like. 你想吃什么就吃什么。
- Commit yourself to others. 要为别人付出。