- The merger of two or more commercial interests or corporations. 合并两个或多个商业上的利益集团或法人团体的合并
- The union of two or more commercial interests or corporations. 联合体两个或两个以上商业团体或利益的联合
- Each company is fighting to protect its own commercial interests. 每家公司都在奋力保护自己的商业利益。
- Safety considerations were subordinated to commercial interests. 商业利益被置于安全考虑之上。
- In the West, commercial interests tend to suffocate it. 在西方,商业利益正要使它窒息。
- Special regional and commercial interest groups sprang up. 特殊的区域性和商业性的事业集团纷纷崛起。
- The ionones and related analogues are of academic and commercial interest. 紫罗兰酮及类似化合物具有重要的学术价值与广泛的商业价值。
- The shameless exploitation of little girls by commercial interests is poisoning a generation. 商业利益对小女孩的无耻盘剥正在毒害整整一代人。
- This could be very difficult to operate as it would arouse complaints from commercial interest groups. 它实际操作起来很困难,因为这将招致商业利益集团的不满。
- An association of people or groups united for the furtherance of political or commercial interests. 联合为了进一步的政治或商业利益结合在一起的人或组织的联合
- On its face, it imposes on out-of-state commercial interests the full burden of conserving the State's remaining landfill space. 从表面上看,此项法律把保护本州内剩余的垃圾垫土的全部负担强加给州外商业利益。
- Such commercial interests, together with proprietary trading activities, form the basis of an active Hong Kong dollar market. 这类商业活动,加上一般的银行同业买卖,形成了活跃的港元市场基础。
- In such a limited development scope, hardware designs often suffer at the hands of commercial interests, and result in unstable systems. 在这样一种有限的开发领域里,硬件设计经常因商业兴趣的影响而导致开发出的系统不稳定。
- Li Kaifu: I feel dinkum to be a bit later really for the angle from commercial interest. 李开复:我觉得纯粹从商业利益的角度来说确实是晚了一点。
- An official appointed by a government to reside in a foreign country and represent his or her government's commercial interests and assist its citizens there. 领事由政府委派居住在外国,代表其国家政府的商业利益并帮助那里的本国公民的一种官员。
- In order to protect the legitimate security and commercial interests of State Parties,concrete measures aimed at preventing the abuse of verification should be provided for. 为了确保缔约国正当的安全和商业利益不受损害,应该制定具体措施防止核查权利的滥用。
- It is often hard to disentangle the government's commercial interests from its roles as industry regulator,paymaster for courts,tax collector and economic policymaker. 通常很难把政府的商业利益与其作为产业管理者、法院发薪者、税收征收者和经济政策制订者的身份区分开来。
- Developed countries were to pay more attention to reconciling their commercial interests, with the need to reduce poverty in developing countries which was in everyone's interest. 发达国家需要更加注意调整其商业利益,从而减少发展中国家的贫困,这是符合所有人利益的。
- In order to protect the legitimate security and commercial interests of State Parties, concrete measures aimed at preventing the abuse of verification should be provided for. 为了确保缔约国正当的安全和商业利益不受损害,应该制定具体措施防止核查权利的滥用。