- Ulva P.K.can b?e used in intensive aquaculture system to clean water,save energy and provide an extra commercial crop. 用孔石莼净化养殖污水具有净水、节能和收获饵料的综合效果。
- Phalaenopsis sp., an ornamental crop belonging to the Orchidacea, is an important commercial crop in the floral industry. 蝴蝶兰为目前广受欢迎的观赏用植物,而台湾是蝴蝶兰之最大出口国。
- In the case of Lah-si-piang tableland, the traditional agricultural development mainly is commercial crop under the conditions of higher terrain and poor water resource for quite some time. 在卓兰镇西北侧的坜西坪台地个案中,由于台地地势高燥、水源不足,日治以来的农业发展都是以经济作物为主轴;
- Commercial crops grown include beets, flax, and sunflowers. 经济作物有甜菜、亚麻和向日葵。
- Technology and future economic incentives could make additional acres capable of producing commercial crops. 技术和将来的经济刺激可以扩大商品作物的面积。
- Commercial crops include rapeseed, tobacco, tea, peanuts, oakleaf silk, sugarcane, and indigo. 经济作物则有油菜籽、烟草、茶叶、花生、橡树丝、甘蔗及木蓝。
- Brassica vegetables are a kind of important commercial crops and the germplasm resources are extraordinary abundant in China. 芸苔属蔬菜是一类重要的蔬菜作物,在我国种质资源丰富,大多数芸苔属蔬菜属异花授粉作物,杂种优势明显。
- Rice is the chief crop in most southern provinces. 稻子是大多数南方省份的主要作物。
- The grain crop has gone down this year. 今年的粮食作物产量下降了。
- We have had the biggest wheat crop ever this year. 今年我们的小麦收获量是有史以来最好的。
- Half the fruit crop froze out in the sudden cold. 一半的水果作物在突如其来的寒流中被冻死。
- Rice is the chief crop in this ares. 稻子是这一地区的主要作物。
- We had a poor crop of raspberries this year. 今年我们的悬钩子歉收。
- For instance, interplanting commercial crops, winter or early spring vegetables in interplanting space of wheat-maize rotation before maize seeding can increase returns significantly. 例如,在小麦玉米轮作中玉米播种前在套种带中插套经济作物、冬前和早春蔬菜可显著增加收入。
- The farmer paid 3 laborers to gather the crop. 农场主雇佣3名工人收割庄稼。
- Part of every crop is saved for seed. 每一种庄稼都留一部分作种子。
- His shot beat the goalkeeper neck and crop. 守门员根本挡不住他射门。
- He fell neck and crop off the horse. 他从马上倒栽葱地摔了下来。
- At first Reuters dealt with, commercial new. 最初路透社只办商业新闻。
- The farmer paid 3 labourers to gather the crop. 农场主雇佣3名工人收割庄稼。