- To suppress commercial competition is in harmony with the spirit and impulses of the time which gave it birth. 压制商业竞争是跟那个时代催生的精神和动力向一致的。
- Abstract: fierce commercial competition attracted a large number of accounts receivable, resulting in a big bad debts. 摘要:激烈的商业竞争引起了大量的应收账款,随之产生了不小的坏账。
- Commercial competition, the survival of the fittest are the timeless topic hualian not always clean-up sales reach a certain volume of products. 优胜劣汰是商业竞争中的永恒话题,华联经常清理销量未达到一定量的产品。
- Device-typed sole has become the focal point of sports shoe design and an important factor of commercial competition and marketing. “装置型”鞋底结构精巧,形态各异,技术含量高,已经成为运动鞋设计的重点、商业竞争的焦点和市场营销的卖点。
- It will benefit the utilizing of moral standard in commercial field to find out the finitude between the moral commercial competition and immoral commercial competition. 找出道德的商业竞争手段与不道德商业竞争手段之间的分野,有利于道德标准为商业竞争主体所掌握从而发挥其道德评价和引导功能。
- The application field of ERP is becoming farer and wider along with warm commercial competition, And ERP can"t work well without MES so MES is an important part of ERP. 目前,随着企业竞争的加剧和信息化程度的日益提高,ERP的广泛应用中MES必不可少。
- Whether you use in the commercial competition in the number of sleight of hand, but a thin brochure or essenceof, it is the foundation of business customers. 商战中无论使用多少花招,但一份薄薄的介绍资料还是必不可少的,这始终时客户了解企业的根本手段。
- World economy is unifying with the trend advancing irresistibly to the whole world marketplace , enterprise survival digitization , commercial competition internationalization direction develop. 世界经济正以势不可挡的趋势朝着全球市场一体化,企业生存数字化,商业竞争国际化的方向发展。
- Nowadays world economy is developing with the trend direction advancing irresistibly to global economy integration , enterprise survival digitization , commercial competition internationalization. 当今世界经济正以势不可挡的趋势朝着全球经济一体化、企业生存数字化、商业竞争国际化的方向发展。
- Firm strategies will vary with whether the R&D is made by competition or cooperation,the benefit of R&D is monopolized or shared,and commercial competition is strategic substitute or complement. 而企业的战略选择根据研发是竞争还是合作,研发投资的利益为竞争企业独占还是共享,以及商业化竞争是战略替代还是战略互补而有所不同。
- More still is a kind of commercialized competition relation between property right bourse. 产权交易所之间更多还是一种市场化的竞争关系。
- International Institute for Commercial Competition; 国际商业竟争研究所;
- The competition entries were a very mixed bag. 参赛者是错落不齐的大杂烩。
- At first Reuters dealt with, commercial new. 最初路透社只办商业新闻。
- New York is a big commercial city. 纽约是一座大的商业城市。
- She won a competition in some newspaper or other. 她参加某报纸举办的比赛获胜。
- He only entered the competition for a dare. 他只是因为受人激将才参加竞赛。
- The commercial property market is booming. 商业房地产市场日益繁荣。
- A building for commercial occupancy. 对进行商业使用的建筑