- The Palace last night refused to comment on the reports. 昨晚王室拒绝对报告作出评论。
- UBS and Credit Suisse spokesman declined to comment on the reports. 瑞银和瑞信的发言人拒绝对报道发表评论。
- The Ukrainian Defense Ministry refused to comment on the report. 乌克兰国防部拒绝对此发表评论。
- However, he is not available now to comment on the report. 不过未能立即联络到他对此项报导发表评论。
- Neither the Reagan Administration nor McFarlane had any comment on the report. 在报道中里根政府和麦克法兰对此都未发表任何评论。
- Morey said Monday he would not comment on the reports about Yao until we have all the facts. 莫雷在周一表示,在事实真相没弄清之前,他不会评论有关姚明伤情的报导。
- The minister refused to comment on the rumors of his resignation. 部长拒绝就他辞职一事的传闻发表评论。
- The king refuses to comment on the election results. 国王拒绝评论选举的结果。
- Both the Foreign Office and the Ministry of Defence have declined to comment on the reports. 外事处和国防部都拒绝对这些报道做出评论。
- So far, the chairman has not commented on the report I submitted to him. 到目前为止,主席还没有评论我递交给他的报告。
- The Prime Minister refused to comment on the rumor he had planned to resign. 首相拒绝对他准备隐退的谣传做任何评论。
- Cruise's representatives and officials from Viacom and Paramount did not have any immediate comment on the report. 克鲁斯在维亚康姆和派拉蒙的代表和官员并未就此报道直接发表评论。
- The report also pointed out that the Government of India to comment on the safety record of growing criticism. 中英文对照:报道还指出,评论人士对印度政府的安全记录批评声日益高涨。
- I had a rude comment on the tip of my tongue, but I decided not to say it. 一句粗话已到嘴边,但我还是决定不说为好。
- Chelsea spokesman would not comment on the report, saying the club would speak about Cech's condition once the match was over. 一位切尔西发言人没有对此发表评论,他表示俱乐部会等比赛一结束就公布切赫的情况。
- On the report, there are the comments made by the minister. 报告上有部长的批示。
- Officials contacted at the publicity office of Xintai municipal government and its petitions office refused to comment on the report, Reuters said. 翻译:黄的公司国美还没有对此事发表评论,但报道援引消息来源称,这家香港上市的公司可能很快会发表声明。
- He made an impersonal comment on the incident. 他对那一事件作了客观的评论。
- I feel unqualified to comment on the subject. 我觉得没有资格对此事发表意见。
- The president offered no comment on the question. 总统对这个问题未作评论。