- Melons come from a vine; Understanding comes from experience. 瓜来自蔓生植物;理解来自经验。
- Good judgement comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgement. 正确的判断来自于丰富的经验,而丰富的经验来自错误的判断。
- Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment! 好的判断来源于经验,然而它们中的大部分来自于错误的判断。
- You can't gain knowledge without practice. Wisdom comes from experience. 不经实践,不长知识。智慧来自经验。
- We're willing to act as rungs of the ladder to "real knowledge coming from experiments". 愿做“实验出真知”的铺路石。
- What I sayabout stuttering, is mainly coming from experiences of self help groupsin Germany and other countries. 而我所说的有关于口吃的一切,主要来自于在德国和其它国家的许多口吃者自助组织的经验。
- Few MBA students, Prof Mintzberg argues, enter the classroom with the humility that comes from experience. 明茨伯格教授声称,在走进课堂时,很少有MBA学生带着来自经验的谦卑。
- It comes from experiencing hardship and enduring it. 那来自于经历并忍受艰难困苦。
- There is an awful whiff coming from the dustbin. 垃圾箱里冒出很臭的味。
- She visualized an angel coming from heaven. 她想像一位天使从天而降。
- I know from experience that he'll arrive late. 据我的经验之谈,他要迟到的。
- And you come from North Dakota! I want to know. 原来你是北达科他州来的!真想不到!
- Are their any orders coming from the headquarters? 有司令部的任何命令吗?
- Lack of the knowledge gained from experience. 缺乏经验知识缺乏由经验得来的知识
- Correct ideas come from social practice. 正确的思想来自社会实践。
- The news comes from a reliable source. 这消息来自可靠的来源。
- The result coming from experiment show the method is very easy and comprehensive , what is more ,this method is fastish and goodish . 结果表明,方法不仅方法简单而且应用广泛,具有测量效果好,速度快等特点。
- We heard clink come from that room. 我们听到那个屋子传来叮当声。
- The voice seemed to be coming from the shrubbery. 声音似乎是从灌木丛里传来的。
- Well, I can dig where you're coming from. 嗯,我能够了解你的感受。