- But he had seen no one search that roof; if he ran he might come face to face with someone coming up out of another trapdoor. 但他没看见有人搜索那屋顶;他要是逃过去;很可能劈面遇到从另扇活动天窗里上来的人。
- But he had seen no one search that roof; if he ran he might come face to face with someone coming up out of another trapdoor . 但他没看见有人搜索那屋顶;他要是逃过去;很可能劈面遇到从另扇活动天窗里上来的人。
- During the storm we came face to face with death. 在暴风雨中,我们面临着死亡。
- Suddenly Ruz came face to face with a human skull! 鲁茨突然发觉自己面对面地站在一个骷髅前。
- During the storm I came face to face with death. 在暴风雪中我与死神只有一步之遥。
- She came face to face with death. 她直面死亡。
- And the day will come when we each come face to face with God. 我们相信,因为我们听到人的见证。
- Surveyors will come face to face with a very costly lawsuit. 测量师将面对一个非常昂贵的诉讼。
- Then they come face to face with some terrible men and have to fight them. 然而他们面对一些可怕的人并且不得不和他们去进行搏斗.
- And Ahab said to Elijah, Have you come face to face with me, O my hater? 亚哈对以利亚说:我仇敌啊,你找到我吗?他回答说:我找到你了;
- if he ran he might come face to face with someone coming up out of another trapdoor . 他要是逃过去;很可能劈面遇到从另扇活动天窗里上来的人。
- come face to face with someone 与某人碰头
- But he had seen no one search that roof; if he ran he might come face to face with someone coming up out of another trapdoor 但他没看见有人搜索那屋顶;他要是逃过去;很可能劈面遇到从另扇活动天窗里上来的人。
- We were in the downtown area when we came face to face with Jack. 遇到杰克时我们正在市中心。
- As soon as I went out, I came face to face with Lao Wang. 我一出门,劈头遇上了老王。
- The program reveals how the Samurai of the past have come face to face with modern day Japanese society. 日本武士向来也是中西人士著迷的研究题目,尤其当日本社会现代化,有人说,日本文化就是唯美。
- As we flick the calendar to a New Year, we come face to face with the fact that our days on earth are numbered. 我们一翻开新年日历的时候,就面对着一种事实:我们在世上的日子是有限的。
- To come face to face with something is to have to deal with a disagreeable situation. 指的就是必须面对一个不愉快的情况。
- Coming face to face with the black rubber masks elicits not only laughter. 然而,和这些黑色的橡胶面罩打交道并不只会令人发笑。
- He wondered what he would do if he ever came face to face with the man. 如果与那家伙面对面碰在一起,他不知自己会怎样对付他。