- The truck came to a dead stop out of the gate. 那辆卡车在大门外突然停下。
- The horse came to a dead stop and threw its rider over the gate. 那匹马突然停了下来,结果把骑手摔出了大门。
- The car gave a sudden jerk and came to a dead stop. 汽车猛然一颠,猝然停下。
- The car came to a dead stop in the nick of time. 恰好,这辆车突然停住了。
- He came to a dead stop during his presentation. 演讲中他突然停下了。
- Between twelve and two everything comes to a dead stop. 在十二点到两点之间一切都彻底停止。
- The horse came to a dead stop and threw its horsewoman over the gate. 那匹马突然停了下来,结果把女骑手摔出了大门。
- He slammed on the brake and the car spun out over the shoulder and came to a dead stop on the lawn. 他猛踩刹车,车子侧向一边打转,冲出路肩在草地上停了下来。
- We've come to a dead end in our talks. 我们的谈判已陷入僵局。
- We had come to a dead end in our research. 我们的研究工作已陷入绝境。
- At zero intensity, the last glimmer of the light vanishes into the atoms, and the polariton comes to a dead stop. 到了控制光强度归零之时,光的最后一丝光芒都消逝到原子里,极化声子就完全停止了。
- We'll soon come to a dead end if we go that way. 不对,不对。往那边走,一会儿就堵上了。
- The sled lurched ahead in what appeared a rapid succession of jerks, though it never really came to a dead stop again . 雪橇在一连串猛烈颤动中半寸、一寸、两寸地前进了,虽然如此,却再没有完全停下来。
- The sled lurched ahead in what appeared a rapid succession of jerks, though it never really came to a dead stop again ... half an inch . 雪橇在一连串猛烈颤动中半寸、一寸、两寸地前进了,虽然如此,却再没有完全停下来。
- The negotiations came to a dead lock. 谈判陷入僵局。
- I went about 40 feet before coming to a dead end. 我走了大约四十英尺便到了没有出路的尽头。
- Go straight on until you come to a bus stop. 你一直往前走,直到公共汽车站为止。
- The investigation seemed to have come to a dead end. 调查好像无法再进展下去。
- A truck come to a stop in front of the hotel. 一辆卡车在旅馆前面停下。