- Victory will not come of itself. 胜利是不会自行到来的。
- Born at the tail end of the 1946-1964 baby boom generation, he is also the first president to have come of age in the 1980s, which of itself might portend change. 出生于1946-1964年婴儿潮末期的奥巴马也是在1980年代长大成人的第一位总统,而这本身就意味着变化。
- Your English will not become better of itself. 你的英语不会自己变好的。
- I don't know if any good will come of your actions. 我不知道你的行为会带来什么好结果。
- Nothing but trouble will come of this plan. 这个计划只能带来麻烦。
- He promised to help, but I don't think anything will come of it. 他答应帮忙,但我想不会有任何结果。
- For a time, his pen seemed to travel of itself. 他的钢笔一时好象自然而然地动着。
- We don't know if anything good will come of your decision. 我们不知道你的决定是否会带来好处。
- A gentile name confers of itself gentile rights. 氏族的人名一开始就同氏族的权利紧密结合在一起。
- A gentile name conferred of itself gentile rights. 一个氏族成员的名字就赋予它本身以氏族成员的权力。
- The enemy will not perish of itself. 敌人是不会自行消灭的。
- Nothing much came of it, I am afraid. 恐怕没有多少结果吧。
- The same thing would,in process,happen of itself. 同样的事件迟早会自然发生。
- But nothing further came of this movement. 但这一运动后来就没有产生更多效果了。
- Nothing will come of it, unless disaster. 此事除了引起灾祸以外不会有什么结果。
- The candle-light will in time go out of itself. 烛火终会熄灭的。
- His illness comes of drinking too much. 他的病是因为喝酒太多。
- Cheese, like oil, makes too much of itself. 乳酪,如同石油一样,太过于引人注目了。
- Economy is of itself a great revenue. 节约本身就是巨大的收益。
- This is what comes of being over-confident. 这就是过於自信的结果。