- In that year they came back into power. 那一年他们又重新上台了。
- You are starting to come back into the game. 你开始后来居上了。
- Short hair came back into vogue. 短发又开始流行起来了。
- come back into power 重新上台
- Short hair come back into vogue about ten years ago. 大约十年前短发又开始流行起来了。
- Short hair came back into vogue about ten years ago. 大约十年前短发又开始流行起来了。
- When your are ready... Come back into your physical body. 当你准备好。。。回到你身体内。
- He has yet to come back into the Arsenal side and that worries me. 他现在首要任务还是重回阿森纳的阵容当中,这就是我忧虑所在。”
- Five years on, Mr Thaksin's political allies are heading back into power and dusting down their get-tough message. 五年过去了,他信先生的政治盟友正在重掌权力并掸去他们的强硬理念。
- And people invested in that hope by voting the Barisan Nasional back into power with a clear majority. 还有,大多数人很明显地把选票投资在国政以让他们得回力量。
- Short hair came back into vogueabout ten years ago. 大约十年前短发又开始流行起来了。
- A little colour came back into her cheeks. 她的双颊又恢复了原来的一抹红润。
- Tom Briggs came back into the front room. 汤姆·布里格斯走进前屋。
- The item go out of stock just before christmas but come back into stock in the first week of January. 这种商品圣诞节前刚售完,但一月份的第一周来了货。
- Then the salive came back into his mouth and he was able to speak. 接下来,他的舌头又活泛了起来。
- I know I was standing near the till when you came back into the shop, but don't jump to conclusions. 我明白,你回到商店时我确实是站在收款抽屉旁边,但且不要忙著下结论。
- He succeeded in worming himself into power. 他成功地爬进了掌权阶层。
- As I went over to say good-by I saw that the expression of bewilderment had come back into Gatsby's face. 我走过去告辞的时候,看到那种惶惑的表情又出现在盖茨比脸上。
- We came back into the room and sat down at the table. 我们回到餐室,在桌边坐下。
- The Labor Party came into power in 1945. 1945年工党上台执政。