- combustible sulfur compounds 可燃硫
- It was pungent in taste due to containing many kinds of sulfur compounds. 洋葱的多种含硫化合物使其具有特殊的辛辣气味。
- Comparison of the Volatile Sulfur Compounds Levels in Sulcular of Different Periodontal State. 不同牙周状态下牙周袋内挥发性硫化物水平的比较。
- Natural gas often also contains gases such as nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide; sulfur compounds; and water. 天然气中通常也含有氮气、氧气、二氧化碳、硫化物等气体和水。
- Ethanethiol,thiophene and dibenzothiophene as the model sulfur compounds were analysed by FPD(Flame Photometric Detector) in the gasoline. 选择乙硫醇、噻吩和二苯并噻吩作为汽油中的目标检测硫化物,采用火焰光度检测器(FPD)进行分析。
- The said desorption agent could effectively desorb the sulfur compounds adsorbed by the adsorbent LADS A. 脱附剂LADSD能有效地将吸附在吸附剂LADSA上的硫化物脱附掉。
- The solid base treatment can not only remove the hydrogen sulfide but can alsoremove thiols and other sulfur compounds. 固体碱洗不仅脱硫化氢效果好,而且具有脱硫醇和总硫的功能;
- There are three group volatile components in the sesame seed oils named the nitrogenous compounds,the sulfur compounds,the oxygenous compounds. 经质谱数据检索可知,芝麻油的挥发性气味成分主要分为含氧、含氮和含硫3类化合物。
- There are three group volatile components in the sesame seed oils named the nitrogenous compounds, the sulfur compounds, the oxygenous compounds. 经质谱数据检索可知,芝麻油的挥发性气味成分主要分为含氧、含氮和含硫3类化合物。
- It represents the first group of microbes known to depend exclusively on geologically produced hydrogen and sulfur compounds for nourishment. 它是所知的第一个专门以地质结构产生的氢和硫的化合物为养料的微生物群落。
- THOUGH BY NO MEANS the only factors in halitosis, the volatile sulfur compounds produced by bacterial metabolism are a prime suspect. 细菌代谢所产生的挥发性硫化物,虽不会是造成口臭的唯一凶手,但却是主嫌。
- Sulfur compounds in gasoline come mainly from FCC(Fluid Catalytic Cracking),so research and development of FCC gasoline desulfurization technology are very important. 汽油中的硫化合物主要来自FCC(流化催化裂化)汽油,因此FCC汽油脱硫技术的研究与开发具有重要意义。
- Sulfur compounds in Russian atmospheric gas oil were separated into thiophene and thioether compounds by the oxidation-reduction method using selective oxidant and reducing agent. 摘要采用选择性氧化剂和还原剂对俄罗斯直馏柴油中的硫醚类硫化物和噻吩类硫化物分别进行分离和富集,得到两者的浓缩液。
- Garlic contains sulfur compounds that may stimulate the immune system's natural defenses against cancer, and may hae the potential to reduce tumor growth. 大蒜包含硫化合物,它能够刺激免疫系统对癌症的天然防御,并具有减少肿瘤生长的潜力。
- According to the National Cancer Institute in the United States, 28 out of 37 studies with allyl sulfur compounds showed that they had some cancer preventive effect. 根据全国学院在美国, 28 丧失37 项研究与烯丙基硫化合物表示, 他们有一些癌症预防措施作用。
- The developments in the research of configuration of sulfur compounds in vehicle fuel and the mechanism of hydrodesulphurization(HDS) reaction were summaried. 介绍了国内外加氢深度脱硫催化剂的研究现状;
- The influences of various reductive organic impurities, such as amines, phenols and sulfur compounds on the stability of HPAM aqueous solution have been studied by viscosimetry. 对各种还原性有机杂质如胺、酚和硫化物对HPAM水溶液稳定性的影响进行了研究。一般讲,大多数这些还原性杂质,对聚合物的氧化降解反应具有明显的促进作用,并使得溶液粘度大幅度降低。
- Hastelloy balls are used in flue gas desulfurization systems because of its excellent resistance to sulfur compounds and chloride ions encountered in most scrubbers. hastelloy球是用在烟气脱硫系统,因为其优良的抗硫化合物及氯离子遇到的最洗涤。
- The studies showed that nitrogen compounds strongly inhibited HDS activity via competitive adsorption with sulfur compounds on surface of the catalysts. 研究表明,含氮化合物主要通过与含硫化合物在催化剂表面的竞争吸附,强烈抑制HDS催化剂活性。
- The sulfur-containing compounds in residues have negative effects on residue processing.The sulfur compounds in residues are mainly composed of thioethers and thiophenes. 渣油中硫化物的存在对石油加工和石油生产带来很多不利条件,渣油中的主要硫化物为硫醚硫和噻吩硫,总硫与硫醚硫的差值即为噻吩硫。