- This paper introduces the application about anchor cable jetting combined supporting in broken soft rock drift. 重点介绍了锚索喷注联合支护在碎胀软岩巷道掘进中的应用。
- Combined supporting with bolting with wire mesh,belt,shotcreting and cable anchor in large room gains good technologyical and economic result. 在井下大硐室采用"锚网带、喷+锚索"联合支护结构,取得了较好的技术经济效果。
- The combined support with cable bolt wire mesh and shotcreting is applied in coal roadway in Xingan Coal Mine of Hegang Mining Industry Group. 鹤岗矿业集团兴安煤矿在煤巷中应用锚索锚杆挂网喷喧支护,取得了较好的技术经济效果。
- The combined support with bolt,steel band,anchor rope,chain mesh and shotcrete is applied in the belt conveyor apparatus room in Donghai Coal Mine of Jixi Mining Industry Group. 鸡西矿业集团东海煤矿胶带输送机房采用锚杆、钢带、锚索组合支护,铺金属网兼喷射混凝土,取得了预期的效果,满足了生产需要,为组合支护在深矿井中的应用积累了经验。
- This article introduces the application of how to construct the coal depot,and combined support with anchor mesh shotcrete,steel strape,anchor rope,steel and concrete. 介绍了在破碎岩体中施工立眼煤仓,采用锚网喷、钢带、锚索、钢筋混凝土联合支护的应用,立眼煤仓施工中使用帮锚索,在益新煤矿还是首例。
- The site observation and survey shows that this combined supporting design has produced better technical effect, which is able to insure the safety and stability during the serv... 通过现场观测,说明联合支护效果较好,能够保证巷道服务期间的安全稳定。
- With grouting-bolting as the kernel, pre-stressed anchor rope truss as the assistant, the combined supporting system solved the supporting problem in deep-seated high stressed soft rock roadway. 通过以锚注为核心、预应力锚索和锚索桁架为辅助的的锚注联合支护体系解决了深井高应力软岩巷道的支护问题。
- In Xinghua Coal Mine of Jixi Mining Industry Group,the combined support with bolt-net-cable is successfully applied in driving gateways at the abutment area of the single side goaf. 鸡西矿业集团杏花煤矿在单侧采空区压力集中掘送巷道采用锚网索联合支护技术并取得成功,获得了良好的技术经济效益。
- In this article, one method of using the combined support composed of baffles and flat steel to design tabular heat exchangers with low pressure loss and vibration protection was presented. 本文对设计降低压力损失和防止振动的管壳式冷却器,提出了一种有效的方法,就是管束采用折流板-扁钢条复合支承。
- Improved KNN-SVM that combined Support Vector Machine(SVM) with weighted K Nearest Neighbor(KNN) is presented to improve the accuracy of gender recognition nearby SVM hyperplane. 摘要 针对支持向量机(SVM)在超平面附近进行性别识别的不准确性,引入进行加权的K近邻(KNN)算法。
- The patients were detained CVC in the abdominal cavity, performed serial large-volume paracentesis and given the liver protective and combined supportive treatment. 结果所有患者感腹胀、纳差、呼吸困难症状均完全缓解或者部分缓解;
- A novel classification method for texture images was proposed by combining support vector machines(SVM) with dual-tree complex wavelet transform(DT-CWT). 提出了一种将支持向量机(SVM)和二元树复小波变换(DT-CWT)相结合的纹理图像分类方法。
- The two parties have combined to form a government. 两党已经联合起来组成政府。
- anchor cable jetting combined supporting 锚索喷注联合支护
- The combined fleet is armed to the teeth. 这支联合舰队全副武装。
- In sum, theory must be combined with practice. 总之,理论必须同实践相结合。
- Application of Combined Support of Roadway Roof 掘进巷道顶板联合支护的应用
- A matador or one of the supporting team. 斗牛士斗牛士或后援队伍中的一员
- The TiO_2/Al_2O_3 combined supports were prepared respectively by preprecipitated,coprecipitated,sol-gel and improved sol-gel method,and then characterized by XRD,TEM,FT-IR and BET. 采用沉淀法、共沉淀法、溶胶凝胶法和改进的溶胶凝胶法制备出TiO2/Al2O3复合载体,并用XRD、TEM、FT-IR和BET等手段对其进行了表征。