- Change the colors and patterns used in the chart. 更改图表使用的颜色和图案。
- A new tail of different colors and patterns quickly regenerates. 之后,有着不同颜色和样子的新尾巴很快就会再长出来。
- The colors and patterns on their "painter" faces have some symbolic meanings. “花脸”上的图案和颜色有一定的象征意义。
- Once again they propose a nice set of colors and patterns on their shoes. 再次他们提出好的套在他们的鞋子的颜色和样式。
- As in a topographic map, colors and patterns indicate areas that are in the same range of values. 就像在地形图中一样,颜色和图案表示具有相同取值范围的区域。
- In the latest makeover, the White House renovated the room in bolder colors and patterns in the Victorian style. 在最近一次装修中,白宫将林肯卧室装修成维多利亚时代的风格,卧室的颜色变得更加开放。
- Camouflaged by its colors and patterns, an extremely venomous Gabon viper is barely visible on the forest floor. 一只剧毒加蓬毒蛇依靠它身体颜色和花纹的伪装,在森林的地面上它几乎无法被辨认出来。
- Like a topographic map, the colors and patterns in a Surface chart indicate areas that contain the same range of values. 好像一张地质学的地图,曲面图中的颜色和图案表明具有相同范围的值的区域。
- Our famous rubber tubing in a slimmed down style, and includes the rubber adjustable slider, available in a variety of colors and patterns. 尾端采用橡胶的固定方式,因此喜欢的朋友要注意眼镜镜脚的大小。
- Many genes, some of which have more than two allele choices, control the variety of colors and patterns seen in canine coat color. 很多基因,(他们可以)控制犬科动物的复杂的被毛颜色和图案,并最终决定犬的被毛,而(这些基因中)有些基因要多于两个的等位基因。
- Lastly, some typical filling areas were designed to be filled by monochromatic color and patterns, which proved the accuracy of the new algorithm. 最后选取一些典型的图形区域进行单色填充和图案填充测试,证明了本算法的正确性。
- Men's undies come in a variety of silhouettes (such as boxer, brief, or trunk), rises (such as low, mid or high), fit options (such as relaxed or slim), colors and patterns. 男性内衣可谓多种多样,如四角裤、三角裤和平角裤,低腰、中腰和高腰,颜色各异,式样繁多。
- After analyzing the history,colors and meaning of patterns of Lu brocade,it shows both the colors and patterns of Lu brocade embody the living of the people there. 分析研究鲁锦的历史、色彩、图案寓意,认为鲁锦的色彩和纹样都是建立在鲁西南人民对生活的阐释上;
- Sony on Thursday introduced four new VAIO notebook computers in unusual colors and patterns, like leopard print and floral, to reflect their environment-friendly features. 索尼公司于星期四推出四款新的VAIO笔记本电脑,它们的颜色和图案不同寻常,例如豹纹和植物,以此来显示它们的环保特征。
- Like cars, roaches are ranked in price;those shinny and robust roaches are more expensive.The ones with special colors and patterns are the favorites of the rich. 人们在利用它当交通工具时只要透过缩小机将身体缩小躲在蟑螂翅膀下的绉折里就可以了。
- These patterns are dapple, double dapple, brindle, sable, and piebald.Please read "What Color or Pattern is that Dachshund???" for more information on colors and patterns. 除了这些颜色,腊肠也有许多的图案:花斑、双色花斑,斑纹,貂色、杂色。
- Genetics: Color and pattern mutation - Simple recessive (albino), and co-dominant (hypo or salmon). 遗传学:花色突变-简单隐性(白化) ,并共同主导(低或鲑鱼) 。
- Polymer clay is something unique in accoutrement,because of its flexibility and variability in quality,color and pattern. 软陶在质感、色彩及其图样造型上,均极具可塑性与多样化,是服饰饰品创作中不可多得的素材。
- While not all of the more than 300 species of wrasses are vibrantly colored, many exhibit striking coloration and patterns. 当不少于超过300种类的濑鱼是有活力的颜色,许多陈列品引人注目的着色和花样。
- People of all colors and creeds have come here to celebrate the holiday. 各种肤色和各种宗教信仰的人聚集在这里欢度节日。