- To adorn with a brightly colored surface. 用亮丽的表面装饰.
- Pre-treatment of initial electric polishing and subsequent anodizing could make coloring faster and conduce to form bright and uniform coloring surface. 试件电抛光后再进行阳极处理的前处理办法可加快着色速度,有助于获得光亮均匀的着色表面;
- That's rather an effective use of color. 这种使用颜色的手法效果相当好。
- One group in Indonesia came up with a way of adapting traditional batik methods to create a vibrantly colored surface pattern on small wooden accent tables. 印尼一家工艺坊想出一个法子,将传统的蜡染技法稍加修改,为木制家用小桌创造出色彩鲜艳活泼的表面图案。
- The company mainly produces middle and high-grade corrugate boxes with colorful surface,at the same time,externally supplying the technical service on making plate. 公司以生产中、高档彩面瓦楞纸箱为主,同时对外提供制版技术服务。
- The absence of color in that drawing make it dull. 那幅画因没有着色而显得晦暗。
- The color of her dress suits her very well. 她衣服的颜色很适合她。
- Children like seeing the color television. 孩子们喜欢看彩色电视。
- Flowers are blooming in a riot of color. 百花齐放,万紫千红。
- This is a sort of indeterminate color. 这是一种说不清的颜色。
- She loved the life, noise, and color of the market. 她爱市场上的生趣、喧哗与多姿多彩。
- What color is copper sulphate solution? 硫酸铜溶液是什么颜色?
- Discussion on Color Surface Brick Producing Technology by Iron Tailings 铁尾矿制备彩色地面砖的技术探讨
- My room was decked with a lot of color bulbs. 我的房间装饰了很多彩灯。
- Blue is a very becoming color on me. 我穿蓝色衣服非常适合。
- I have get a spool of color film. 我有一卷彩色胶卷。
- The banner lent color to the streets. 旗帜给街道增添了色彩。
- The cinnamon is of yellowish-brown color. 肉桂呈黄褐色。
- Gold is similar in color to brass. 金和铜颜色相仿。
- What color is copper sulfate solution? 硫酸铜溶液是什么颜色?