- color glaze brick 彩色釉面砖
- The Radiation Level of Color Glazed Brick Faience and Its Radiation Protection and Management 彩釉砖的辐射水平及其放射防护管理
- In the construction upper garment decorated with geometry dermatoglyphic pattern design, and uses the colored colored glaze stone brick, the cosmetic is greatly strengthened. 在建筑上装饰有几何纹样图案,并采用彩色琉璃石砖,装饰性极强。
- Introduced the preparation of color glaze used in unglazed ware altering to green body. 介绍了素烧坯改素坯施釉用色釉的配制。
- Blue and white, underglaze red, color glaze, color, color bucket, pastel, as well as bionic Miao Xiao porcelain came into being, the lives of the ancients decorate. 青花、釉里红、颜色釉、五彩、斗彩、粉彩、珐琅彩,以及妙肖的仿生瓷应运而生,装点古人的生活。
- Our products mainly include Japanese & Korean style dinnerware.They are made from high quality basic materials and high grade color glaze with special burning technology. 本厂在传统窑变釉(花釉)的深厚基础上,利用釉的流动及烧成过程之不同变化,表达各种不同的生活理念和艺术理念。
- There are a lot of types of hand-painting, applique,colored glaze,etc. 有手绘,帖花,色釉等品种。
- The material of colored glaze is crystal glass, which is cast by dewax method. 是以水晶玻璃为原材料,采用脱蜡铸造法烧制而成。
- Lufan Ceramics Factory specializes in producing ceramic saucepan inside and saucepot inside, they include high-temperature white porcelain, purple sand, heat-resistant porcelain( fireproof, snap cooling and heat), color glaze, etc. series. 绿帆陶瓷制作厂专业生产陶瓷炖锅胆、盅胆,产品有高温白瓷、砂、热瓷(明火急冷急热)色釉等几大门类。
- Nga - ray slabs in maintaining the identity of Richland Brick products, Nga - ray glazed brick to smooth, soft luster, texture delicate effect, consumers have favored. 雅光砖在保持丽晶砖产品特性的同时,雅光砖以釉面平滑、光泽柔和、质感细腻的效果,获得消费者的青睐。
- Moiidea audaciously uses color glaze, carving, drawing and other decorative techniques as well as various formative art to make the sanitary ware colorful and artistic. 设计上,大胆应用颜色釉,釉上彩,釉下彩,雕刻等综合装饰手段,结合不同造型,使卫浴产品在色彩和图案上丰富多彩,赋予卫浴空间装饰更多变化和选择;
- The Tang Dynasty government supposes specially governs bureau, the fever makes five color colored glaze decoration image of Buddha, the common people jewelry also uses it. 唐代政府专设治署,烧造五色琉璃装饰佛像,平民首饰也用它。
- The colored glaze ceramics of the Song and Yuan dynasties are among the most highly valued by collectors. 收藏者认为,宋元时代的彩釉陶瓷属价值最高的陶瓷之一。
- This paper analyses source and chemical behaviour in environment of fluoride. The result shows emission fluoride concentration over passing national standard in the progress of glazed brick faience production. 对建陶行业氟化物的来源及其在环境中的化学行为进行了分析 ,结果表明 ,在釉面砖生产过程中排放的氟化物浓度超过国家规定的标准。
- The fritted glaze, with larger range of firing temperature and more choices of color glaze, is used to make western glazed tile. 西式琉璃瓦用釉为熔块釉,熔块釉有较大的烧成温度范围和色釉选择余地。
- The other three kinds are the exquisitely wrought blue and white ware, the famille rose porcelain and the colored glaze porcelain. 另外有青花玲珑瓷,粉彩瓷和颜色釉瓷。
- That's rather an effective use of color. 这种使用颜色的手法效果相当好。
- In the history of China, there appeared pillows made of straw, wood, jade, porcelain, salt, amber, colored glaze, rattan, cloth and so on. 在我国古代历史上曾出现过草荐枕、木枕、玉枕、瓷枕、盐枕、琥珀枕、琉璃枕、藤枕、布枕等各种枕头。
- Below necklace average adopts glass colored glaze material refine but become, Product fine, Gorgeous but princely, Is female friend's ambition choice! 以下项链均采用玻璃琉璃材料精制而成,产品精美,华丽而高贵,是女性朋友的理想选择!
- It was made by adding metallic oxides into the colored glaze and calcining the object, thus forming different colors including the predominant yellow, brown and green. 在色釉中加入不同的金属氧化物,经过焙烧,便形成多种色彩,但多以黄、褐、绿三色为主。