- The foothills began as gentle rolls in the plain. 大平原上起初地势偶尔有些平缓的起伏。
- The plain establishes vehicle in the infanthood. 首页>>图片猎奇>>原创 儿时的车。
- college in the plain region 平原高校
- Such trees can be found in the plains. 这种树木可见于平原。
- I'm not one to keep a wife grilling in the plains. 我可不是要把妻子留在平原上受煎烤的那种人。
- The warning was conceived in the plainest language. 这警告是最简明的语言表示的。
- He had been graduated from Maryland College in the class of 1868. 他毕业于马里兰学院1868 年级。
- They have maintained a close association with a college in the US. 他们和美国一所学院保持了密切联系。
- Won the calligraphical contest in the college in 1989. 1989年在本校书法比赛中获优胜。
- They presented a sum of money to the college in memory of their son. 他们向学院赠送了一笔款项以纪念他们的儿子。
- He is earning a salary in the region of25,000. 他当时的薪金在25,000英镑左右。
- He is studying in the theological college. 他在那所神学院学习。
- There used to be a military base in the region. 这地区过去有个军事基地。
- Colleges in the United States are open to students of all ages. 再比如,美国大学录取学生没有年龄限制
- He is an authority in the region of chemistry. 他是化学界的权威。
- With her fine grades Ruth has it made and can enter any college in the country. 鲁思成绩优异,保证能顺利地进入国内任何一所大学。
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。
- I hope I can study in the foreign colleges in the future. 我现在是个高中生,我希望将来能在国外读大学。
- There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. 英语字母表中有26个字母。
- To woo students, colleges in the U.S. choose names that sell. 为吸引生源;美国许多院校纷纷更名;以求叫座.