- Not to ratify it would be “collective suicide”, says Mr Arias. 阿里亚斯说,拒绝批准这一协定等于是“集体自杀”。
- Fischer, Gandhi's view was that the German Jews ought to commit collective suicide, which "would have aroused the world and the people of Germany to Hitler's violence. 按照菲舍先生的说法,甘地的观点是德国犹太人应该集体自杀,那会“让世界和德国人觉醒到希特勒的暴行”。
- I read about the writer's suicide in an evening newspaper. 我是从一份晚报上读到关于那位作家自杀的消息的。
- Her suicide was motivated by desperation. 她自杀的诱因是自暴自弃。
- The man committed suicide by jumping off the cliff. 那人跳下悬崖自杀。
- Let's collect the sap before its consolidation into a hard mass. 让我们在树液坚固成团之前将之收集起来。
- The police suspect foul play rather than suicide. 警方怀疑是谋杀不是自杀。
- He committed suicide during a fit of depression. 他一时想不开,自杀了。
- I must admit I am very fond of collect rare book. 我得承认我很喜欢海内珍本。
- For one reason or another, she committed suicide. 不知什么原因,她自杀了。
- I also learned the strength of the collective. 我还认识到了集体的力量。
- He pulled a would-be suicide out of a river. 他将一位自杀未遂者从河里拖上来。
- It is rumored that she has committed suicide. 据传闻,她已自杀身亡。
- His speculations in stocks led to his suicide. 他在股票上做投机买卖致使他自杀。
- It cost me 100 dollars to collect the stamps. 收集这些邮票花了我一百块钱。
- She always stay cool, calm and collect in a crisis. 她在危难时总是很冷静、镇定如常、泰然自若。
- No, but I like to collect stamps and coins. 不,但我喜欢收集邮票和钱币。
- He's gone to collect his daughter. 他去接女儿了。
- Mark laughed and went to collect his winnings. 马克笑著去领取他的奖品。
- As I had no money with me, I made a collect call. 因为身上没钱,我打了一个由对方付款的电话。