things considered to be worth collecting (not necessarily valuable or antique)
subject to or requiring payment especially as specified;
"a collectible bill"
"a note payable on demand"
"a check payable to John Doe"
用作名词 (n.)
While these do not necessarily need to be met to acquire collectible insurance, it will lower the premium. 虽然这些并不一定需要得到满足,以获得收藏品保险,它会降低保费。
And our close relationship with many well-known violinists living in New York City has allowed us to find a treasure-trove of collectible string instruments. 和我们紧密的合作关系,与许多著名的小提琴居住在纽约市,也使我们能够找到一个宝库中的宝贵收藏品字符串文书。