- collected garbage spot 集中式垃圾点
- The sanitary engineer collects garbage. 卫生队员收集垃圾。
- This is an annual event, in which volunteers from all parts of the country collect garbage from public places around Australia. 全国各地的志愿者在这天到澳洲的公共场所清除垃圾。
- A parameter indicates whether this method can wait a short interval before returning, to allow the system to collect garbage and finalize objects. 一个参数,指示此方法是否可以等待较短间隔再返回,以便系统回收垃圾和终结对象。
- Finalizers are not executed by the same thread that collects garbage. 执行终结器的线程和收集垃圾的线程不是同一个。
- Thankless job Collecting garbage is a thankless job, but someone's got to do it. 不被尊重的工作收垃圾是一件不受尊重的工作,却有人一直在做这事。
- During day time, the thief disguised himself as a peddler who collects garbage, and cased the site. 白天的时候,小偷装扮成收废品的小贩潜入小区踩道。
- The boy booted the banana skin to the garbage heap. 男孩把香蕉皮踢到垃圾堆旁。
- Please take the bag of trash to the garbage can. 请将这袋垃圾拿到垃圾筒去。
- One enthusiastic homeless person happily participated in the clean-up work by collecting garbage and discarded plastic cups and plates on all three evenings. 一位热心的游民非常高兴地连续三个晚上帮助我们清理垃圾和废弃的塑胶杯盘。
- One of the local volunteers is Mr.Du Wei.He started by promoting the concept of recycling, much to the bafflement of local residents, who thought he was collecting garbage! 本地志工杜伟早期做环保,被当地民众误以为是收垃圾的,专心行于慈济宗门;
- Practical measures include removing stagnant wastewater, collecting garbage on a regular basis, using oil in latrines, and providing soap and sufficient water for washing. 切实可行的措施包括:清除停滞不动的污水、定期收集处理垃圾、在厕所里用油以及为洗涤提供足够的肥皂和水。
- I'm afraid we are in for a spot of trouble. 恐怕我们是一定要遇到麻烦了。
- Let's collect the sap before its consolidation into a hard mass. 让我们在树液坚固成团之前将之收集起来。
- He is hit by a falling tree and killed on the spot. 一棵树倒下来,把他当场砸死了。
- He collected a bundle of sticks. 他收集了一捆树枝。
- I've always had a real soft spot for him. 我一向对他挺有好感。
- He collected on the damage to his house. 他收到房屋损坏赔偿费。
- The alley was strewn with garbage. 垃圾散布于巷道上。
- The second part is the high spot of this book. 第二部分是这本书的最精彩部分。