- As showing of the application of dynamic compaction,it has good effect of dynamic compaction for the compaction of collapsed loess in loess area. 强夯技术在刘白高速公路的设计及施工中的应用表明,在黄土地区,强夯对湿陷性黄土的压实具有良好的效果。
- Suggestion on the leakage inspection well constructed in collapsible loess area 关于湿陷性黄土地区建筑检漏井修改的建议
- Foundation treatment for drainage pipe construction in collapsible loess area 湿陷性黄土地区排水管道基础处理
- Though the application of rammed cement-soil pile in the non-gravity wet collapse loess area,this paper introducted the applied conditions of RCS pile and its strong and weak points in that area. 通过夯实水泥土桩在非自重湿陷性黄土地基中的应用,介绍了夯实水泥土桩的应用条件及其优缺点,并针对具体工程进行了地基承载力验算及地基沉降计算。
- The principle and index that roadbase cave in collapsing loess areas treated by grouting are studied. 摘要研究了注浆法在黄土地区公路路基洞穴处理中的加固机理及技术指标。
- Collapsible loess areas are about 60% of loess in our country, it"s main character is compressibility and collapsibility, it will be compressed and collapsed to settlement when meet water. 在我国,湿陷性黄土分布面积约占我国黄土分布总面积的60%25左右,其主要特性是具有不同程度的可压缩性和湿陷性,遇水产生压缩和湿陷下沉。
- Foundation treatment method,treatment thickness and residual collapse settlement of collapse loess with large thickness are hot issues in engineering design in loess areas. 大厚度自重湿陷性黄土的地基处理方法、处理深度以及合理控制剩余湿陷量等是黄土地区工程设计中的难点、热点问题。
- collapsible loess area 湿陷性黄土
- Probe into the Underearth- Pipeline Foundation Treatment Methods in Collapsible Loess Areas 湿陷性黄土地区地埋管道基础处理方法探讨
- Seismic landslides hazard is encountered frequently in the loess area. 摘要黄土地区极易形成地震滑坡灾害。
- Three squeezed branch piles are tested in collapsible loess foundation after prewatering processing. 本文对湿陷性黄土中的三根支盘桩进行预浸水静载荷试验。
- Use above-mentioned theory, analyze the project example of collapsible loess subsoil and validate it. 运用上述理论,通过对湿陷性黄土地基工程实例计算分析,验证了其可行性。
- In the process of research the collapsible loess, it get many differently methods. 在对湿陷性黄土的研究过程中,产生了许多不同的处理方法。
- At present, Settlement control measures and treatment of collapsible loess ground for passenger line is a world problem, no answer from experience. 目前对铁路客运专线湿陷性黄土地基的处理技术是一个世界性的难题,无经验可循。
- At present,Settlement control measures and treatment of collapsible loess ground for passenger line is a world problem,no answer from experience. 目前对铁路客运专线湿陷性黄土地基的处理技术是一个世界性的难题,无经验可循。
- Research purposes:To determine the improvment techniques of collapsible loess fill materials and the process of reclamation and compaction. 研究目的:确定郑西客运专线湿陷性黄土填料的改良技术和填筑压实工艺。
- Airport is那拉提collapsible loess, the airport since the beginning of new problems on this, because the foundation had spent a high price. 那拉提机场属湿陷性黄土,机场自新建伊始就受此问题困扰,曾因为地基处理花费了高昂的代价。
- It is very important to control the geotechnical conditions for pipeline construction in the loess area. 对黄土地区输油(气)管道建设的岩土工程问题进行了研究。
- Bridge bump is one of the problems that encountered when freeway are constructed in loess area. 桥头跳车是黄土地区修建高速公路常遇到的问题之一。
- It is concluded that the impact compaction technology is effective and practical for treatment of collapsible loess subgrade. 因此,冲击压实技术在处治湿陷性黄土地基中是有效的和实用的,而且生产效率高,有很好的发展和应用前景。