- Life is a continuous course of death and revival. 生命是连续不断的死亡与复活。
- Collapse and Revival Phenomena of a Two-level Atom in Odd and Even Coherent States 奇偶相干态中二能级原子的动力学行为
- The choice is between reform and revival or decline and decay. 其面临的选择是:要么改革复兴,要么拒绝消亡。
- collapse and revival 崩塌与复苏
- The floor collapsed and they dropped through. 地板坍了,他们从坍陷处跌了下去。
- collapse and revival phenomenon 坍塌和复苏现象
- I thought this kind of happiness must be trustable---just as suddenly as it had come it would collapse and plunge her into deeper despair. 我认为这种幸福是不牢靠的—就像它来得突然一样,它也会突然地破灭并使她陷入更大的失望。
- The oscillation of the concurrence presents collapses and revivals with the increasing of the mean photon number, while its periodicity is more and more evident. 随着光场强度的增加,两原子纠缠度的振荡曲线逐渐表现出崩塌-回复现象,周期性也越来越明显.
- The ceiling collapsed and rubble poured into the room. 天花板坍塌了,碎砖破瓦掉落到了屋里。
- How I writhed,and yawned,and nodded,and revived! 我是怎样地翻腾,打呵欠,打盹,又清醒过来!
- How I writhed, and yawned, and nodded, and revived! 我是怎样地翻腾,打呵欠,打盹,又清醒过来!
- I was totally collapsed and I doubted my own value. 我当时真是完全崩溃,好怀疑自己的价值。
- Suddenly he collapsed and lost consciousness. 刹那间,他倒在地上,不省人事。
- To let them know that God will redeem and revive them. 使他们知道神必定会救赎他们,复兴他们。
- When the water melts it evaporates, and the dehydrated cells collapse and die. 水分融化蒸发后,脱水的细胞就会被摧毁,甚至死亡。
- How I writhed, and yawned, and nodded, and revived! 我转来转去,打呵欠,打瞌睡,然后醒了!
- He collapse the wheelchair and put it on the boat. 他将轮椅折叠起来放在船上。
- Collapses and hides sections of code in Visual Basic files. 折叠并隐藏Visual Basic文件中的代码节。
- Hong Kong must be far sighted in defining its role in order to promote successful economic restructuring and revival. 香港必须有一个高瞻远瞩的角色定位,由此推动经济成功转型和振兴。
- Turkish player who collapsed and the loss of about 11 recovered. 土耳其玩家倒下一位,损失大概是11的回收的。