- You must make decisions on how to response to spiraling inflation and collapse of stock market, etc. 你必须决定如何对于通货膨胀的上升和股票市场崩盘等情况作出反应。
- The fifth part look ahead the implementation of ESO on Second-Stock-Market, and gives the securing measures in case of a collapse of stock market. 第四章作者展望经理人股票期权在创业板的实施,提出若股市出现深幅下调的对策。
- The two largest oil companies head the list of stock market result. 两个最大的石油公司在股票市场效果方面名列前茅。
- The stock market was on the brink of collapse. 股市已到崩盘的边缘。
- If prices continue to spiral out of control,it is reasonable to expect the eventual collapse of the stock market. 如果价格继续失去控制地上涨,我们有理由相信股市将最终垮掉。
- China and the collapse of the stock market losses, regardless of the cost to the blind, is unwise. 在股市暴跌中不计成本的盲目斩仓,是不明智的。
- If prices continue to spiral out of control, it is reasonable to expect the eventual collapse of the stock market. 如果价格继续失去控制地上涨,我们有理由相信股市将最终垮掉。
- The collapse of the stock market speculators, not only penniless, followed by banking bankruptcy, the U.S. economy paralyzed the Western Great Depression. 股市的崩盘不仅使投机者一贫如洗,随之而来的是银行业破产,美国经济瘫痪,西方经济大萧条。
- Fear of deflation is now unanimous, mainly due to the "collapse of demand" arising from the effects of stock prices. 现在众口一词都是害怕通缩,主要是因为“需求崩溃”产生的存货跌价效应。
- WHILE many China-watchers fret about the consequences of a collapse of China' s stock market, Wen Jiabao, the prime minister, seems more worried about the risk of social unrest as a result of the rocketing price of pork. 正当众多中国观察家为中国股市崩盘的后果不堪设想而忧心忡忡之时,温家宝总理却似乎更担心暴涨的猪肉价格可能会造成社会不稳定。
- Chapter two labored the tinctures and sorts of risk of stock market. 第二章对股票市场风险的特征及分类进行了详细分析。
- The cartoon ended with collapse of stout party. 卡通以一个自以为是的人斗败后目瞪口呆作为结束。
- The quality of information revelation about listed company will affect the development of stock market. 上市公司信息披露质量的高低直接影响到证券市场的健康发展。
- The out break of the war precipitated the collapse of our firm. 战争的爆发加速了我们公司的倒闭。
- A total collapse of Bear Stearns would have rippled through the economy, locking up credit even tighter and torpedoing global stock markets. 贝尔斯登银行波带动整个经济市场下滑,它使信用审核更加严厉而且震动了全球股市。
- The collapse of the building caused no casualties. 建筑倒塌没有造成伤亡。
- We aim for a quick turnover of stock in our stores. 我们的目的是要加速本百货店的库存周转。
- The stock market is a place where the exchange of stocks takes place. 股票市场是一个股票买卖交换的场所。
- Function efficiency reflects the degree of stock market to collocate society capital. 股票市场的功能效率反映了股票市场实行社会资本有效配置的程度。
- Analytic personage points out, the trend of stock market, the at allest still is decide by main area climate. 分析人士指出,股票市场的趋势,最根本的还是由基本面趋势来决定的。