- Design of cold wide strip mill for stainless steel 冷轧不锈钢宽带钢车间设计
- cold wide strip mill 宽带材冷轧机
- new proces automation system for hot wide strip mill. 热宽带钢轧机新过程自动化系统。
- After long-term application on hot wide strip mills, varying contact rolling technology was proved to be effective in strip profile and flatness improvement roll consumption reduction and increase of rolled product length of rolling cycle. 通过在宽带钢热连轧机上的长时间应用证明:变接触轧制技术可以显著改善轧后带钢的板形质量、降低轧辊消耗和增加轧制单位公里数。
- Study on Strip Shape Computational Theory of Strip Mill and Its Application in Wide Strip Rolling 板带轧机板形计算理论及其在宽带轧制中应用研究
- Work rolls for cold strip mill, work rolls for tempering mill. 冷带轧机工作辊,平整辊工作辊。
- semicontinuous wide strip mill 半连续式宽带钢轧机
- semi-continuous wide strip mill 半连续式宽带钢轧机
- wide strip mill 宽带轧机
- medium wide strip mill 中型宽带材轧机
- Double stand reversing cold strip mill is an important rolling mill type because of its merits. 由于双机架可逆冷连轧机具有许多优点,已成为冷轧带钢领域的一种重要机型。
- The new theory is applied to design Yichang Thin Sheet Corporation 1219 cold strip mill. 以上海宝钢(集团)益昌薄板公司1219冷轧机为例,进行了应用研究。
- Crop Shear Automatic Controlling of Hot Strip Mill in TISCO. 太钢热连轧飞剪自动控制。
- The application of high Ni-Cr infinite cold hardness cast iron roll toanterior stands of finishing mill after revamp is introduced in 1 549 hot strip mill of TISCO. 介绍了太钢1549热连轧改造后高镍铬无限冷硬铸铁轧辊在精轧前段的使用情况,特别是在不锈钢生产中取得了成功应用。
- PEP G is the world-wide biggest engineering center of Siemens.Our main business is focusing on steel making, hot strip mill, cold mill etc. in the iron and steel industry. PEP G是西门子在全世界范围内最大的一个工程中心,主要业务是在钢铁行业内的炼钢、热轧、冷轧等方面。
- In order to roll thin and wide strip of very high strength grades on the low powered arcelor sollac lor raine mill, a global optimisation of the rolling process has been carried out. 为了在阿塞洛Arcelor集团Sollac公司Lorraine厂低功率轧机上轧制高强度级别的薄规格宽带钢,提出了一个整体优化的轧制工艺。 轧机的局限条件涉及精轧机的功率、粗轧机的道次数和为获得极低卷曲温度所需的轧后冷却能力。
- The production capacity of hot rolled wide strip has already meet the need in china, even maybe overplus.The transfer rate of hot rolled wide strip into cold rolled one and coated sheet is small. 指出我国热轧宽带钢生产能力已能满足国内需求,并可能出现过剩,但转化为冷轧板带和涂镀层板比例太低。
- The traditional rolling force model of 4-stand tandem cold strip mill at Anshan Iron and Steel Corporation was analyzed, and some defects were found out. 分析了鞍钢冷轧厂4机架冷连轧机轧制力模型,指出了其存在的主要缺陷,并提出了改进方案。
- A strip mill stretch characteristic in AGC system was studied in this paper. 对AGC系统中的轧机弹性特性问题进行了研究。