- cold invasion of liver 肝中寒症
- Osteoarthritis is a complication of flaccidity syndrome with a basis of deficiency of liver and kidney and induced by the invasion of cold-damp. 骨性关节炎是以肝肾亏虚为发病基础合并寒湿之邪入侵所致的痹痿兼证,发病过程合并了脾虚、瘀血、痰湿等重要环节。
- puerperal lochiostasis invasion of liver 产后恶血入肝
- The doctor says it's just a touch of liver. 医生说肝脏稍有些毛病。
- Reading my diary is an inexcusable invasion of privacy. 看我的日记是一种不可原谅的侵犯个人隐私的行为。
- The Allied invasion of southern Italy. 盟军对意大利南部的入侵
- No invasion of enemy territory is ever undertaken. 对敌国领土也从来没有进犯过。
- They feared an actual invasion of Australia itself. 他们担忧着澳大利亚本身会真的遭到侵略。
- The New Monarchies and the Invasion of Italy. 新君主制和意大利入侵。
- The Second World War was brought about by Hitler's invasion of Poland. 希特勒入侵波兰,自此,第二次世界大战爆发。
- Science fiction about an invasion of aliens. 关于外星人入侵的科幻小说
- A section of liver explant is provided. 切片示切除的肝脏。
- The German invasion of Belgium took place. 德军入侵了比利时。
- Just as is todays invasion of Iraq. 就像是当今入侵伊拉克。
- This belonged to a huge type of liver cancer. 是属于巨块型肝癌
- We've had another invasion of ants in the kitchen. 我们的厨房又一次遭到蚂蚁的侵袭。
- The growth of liver retransplantation was only 11%. 肝再次移植仅仅增长11%25。
- We did not support the invasion of Kuwait by Iraq. 我们不支持伊拉克入侵科威特。
- What should diet of liver ascites patient notice? 肝腹水患者日常饮食应该注意些什么?
- Telling that on TV was invasion of her privacy. 在电视上谈论那件事侵犯了她的隐私权。