- The electromagnet coil former was analyzed by means of metallurgical microscope.The results shows that cracks results from excessive high temperature while casting and material embrittlement. 用金相显微镜对衔铁线圈骨架的裂纹进行分析。结果表明,由于锻造加热温度偏高,材料脆化导致裂纹形成。
- Design of Injection Mold for the Coil Former 线圈骨架注射模设计
- The man slit his former sweetheart up. 那人故意伤了他昔日的情人。
- Mr. Heath is the former Prime Minister of Britain. 希思先生是英国前任首相。
- I'm going to call on one of my former classmates. 我要去看望我的一位老同学。
- Her mission was to reclaim former criminals. 她的任务是感化过去的罪犯。
- He is ashamed for his former dishonourable action. 他对他以前不光彩的行为感到羞愧。
- I prefer the latter picture to the former. 我喜欢後一幅画甚於前一幅。
- Of these alternatives, I prefer the former. 在这两者之间我愿选择前者。
- She has excellent references from former employers. 她持有以前的雇主写的很好的证明书。
- He was a wreck of his former self. 他身体坏得不成样子,已兴从前判若两人。
- A good roper will hurl out the coil with marvelous accuracy and force. 一位优秀的套索捕马者会用奇准和神奇力量掷出绳索。
- A tendency to revert to a former state. 反动希望回到过去状态的趋势
- The former servant made his way into power by toadying to the king. 这位当年的仆人通过向国王谄媚而掌上了权。
- He is ashamed for his former dishonorable action. 他对他以前不光彩的行为感到羞愧。
- In former days there was a racecourse here. 从前这儿有个赛马场。
- Aden is a former British protectorate. 亚丁以前是英国的保护领地。
- A surface in the form of a coil or screw. 螺旋面具有线盘或螺丝形状的表面
- The former president addressed a large assembly. 前总统向众多的与会者讲了话。
- He is now out of all conceit with his former self. 他现在全盘否定了他原来的自己。