- His smile predominated his features. 他的微笑是他的容貌的重要特色。
- I can recall the men's features. 我回忆得起这个人的容貌。
- She has finely chiseled features. 她的五官轮廓分明。
- A rare smile lit up his stern features. 他那难得一见的微笑在他死板的脸上平添一些生气。
- cohesive features 衔接特征
- The new movie features two of my favorite actors. 这部新片由我最喜爱的两位演员主演。
- He is a handsome young man with regular features. 他是个五官端正的英俊青年。
- Everyone admired the delicacy of her features. 人人都羡慕她娇美的容貌。
- Absence of any cohesive principle, such as a common standard or purpose. 混乱,无秩序无任何凝聚性准则,如共同标准或目标
- They do not see themselves as a cohesive group. 他们不认为他们自己是有凝聚力的一群。
- Waxy rice starchgels are clear and cohesive. 含蜡大米淀粉凝胶是透明的并有粘性。
- Are Cohesive Groups More Effective? 向心力强的群体是否更有效率?
- Waxy rice starch gels are clear and cohesive. 含蜡大米淀粉凝胶是透明的并有粘性。
- The computer's features are detailed in our brochure. 该计算机的特点在我们的小册子中有详细介绍。
- The latest computer model embodies many new features. 最新型的计算机具备许多新功能。
- Systematizing a vast assortment of rules into a cohesive whole. 把大堆杂乱的规则系统整理成连贯的整体。
- A good commercial puts across the attractive features of a product. 好广告能突显产品吸引人的特徵。
- He skillfully fuses these fragments into a cohesive whole. 他巧妙地把这些片断合并成连贯的整体。
- The man's features answer to the description of the murderer. 该男子之面貌兴凶手的相貌描述符合。
- The professor will give a lecture of geographical features. 教授将要做关于地理特征的讲座。