- cognitive field theory 认知场论
- Piaget and Kohlberg study Man"s moral development within cognitive field. 皮亚杰与科尔伯格是从认知领域来研究人类的道德发展的。
- Instead, physicists use lattice field theory to study QCD interactions. 反而, 物理学家使用格子领域理论学习QCD 互作用。
- This then is something of a cursory view of the direction taken by contemporary quantum field theory. 这就是对现代电子场论的趋向的粗略的一瞥。
- The full apparatus of quantum field theory is often unnecessary for describing electrodynamic systems. 对于描述电力学系统量子场理论的全部设备常常是多余的。
- Making use of the linear field theory, the dielectric Cherenkov maser with an annular plasma is analysed in detail. 利用线性场理论,对填充环形等离子体的介质切伦可夫脉塞进行了详尽的分析;
- Nevertheless, latter research discovers, partial schizoid is coming on the obstacle that initial stage produced the cognitive field such as memory, study, attention, intelligence, and be treat hard. 不过,近来的研究发现,部分精神分裂症患者在发病初期就产生了记忆、学习、注意、智能等认知方面的障碍,并且是难以治疗的。
- Quantum field theory maintains that all interactions arise from the creation and annihilation of particles. 量子场论认为,一切互相作用是由粒子的产生和湮没而引起的。
- The first complete quantum field theory, quantum electrodynamics, provides a fully quantum description of the electromagnetic interaction. 首先完善的量子场理论,量子电力学提供了电磁相互作用充分的量子描述。
- No. quantum field theory in curved space-time is just quantum mechanics in gravtiy background, not a theory of gravity. 也有的想在广义相对论的基础上重建量子力学(后者大概是弯曲时空中的量子力学或量子场论吧?)。
- Using the witten index for a supersymmetric field theory, we proved the Gauss-Bonnet-Chern theorem. 利用超对称理论的Witten index,我们证明Gauss-Bonnet-Chern定理。
- In an endnote Mr Wilczek warns that the nitty gritty of quantum field theory is not for sissies.Nor is this book. 在尾注处,威尔茨克特别声明到量子场的本质问题不适合胆小鬼,这本书也是如此。
- This book is a modern pedagogic introduction to the ideas and techniques of quantum field theory. 纳米技术是国家中长远发展计划的四大技术之一。纳米医学将是一个全新的科学领域。
- GRG is a computer algebra program designed for the problems in the differential geometry, gravitation and field theory. GRG是一个计算机代数程序,它为解决在微分几何,地心引力和场论中的问题。
- This paper points out the defect of the origin of the term "rotation" in field theory and suggests an improvment. 本文指出了场论中旋度这一名称由来的缺陷,并作了改进,同时提出了研究奇点旋度的重要性及奇点旋度的算法。
- A new steric anisotropic pair potential is studied based upon molecular field theory. 基于分子场理论,研究一种新的空间各向异性两体作用势。
- Few people studying Gauge Field Theory need to be convinced of the importance of the work of 't Hooft. 研究计量器领域理论的很少人需要确信' t胡夫特的工作的重要性。
- The liquid crystal films consisting of biaxial molecules are studied by the molecular field theory. 本文以分子场理论研究双轴分子构成的液晶薄层。
- A self-consistent field theory (SCFT) for polydisperse polymers grafted to a surface was developed. 建立了表面接枝多分散聚合物的自洽场理论。
- Acquaints readers with the main concepts and literature of elementary particle physics and quantum field theory. 让读者认识初等粒子物理学和量领域理论的主要概念和文学。