- A new ROI coding technique for medical image is introduced in this paper. 提出了一种适用于医学图像渐进传输的感兴趣区域编码方法。
- Using TCM/QAM coding technique and DMT modulating technology enhances communication quality. 利用TCM/QAM编码技术和DMT调制技术提高通信质量。
- A coding technique in which a command to read or write is initiated as the need for a new block of data occurs,thus eliminating the need to store data. 需求,当发生对新数据块的需求时,产生一个读或写命令的,它可以减少数据存贮的需求。
- Provides an overview of basic secure coding techniques. 概括基本的代码安全维护技术。
- Provides an understanding of secure coding techniques. 提供安全编码技术的介绍。
- Stick on the wall, good looking,0-99 channels LCD with clock, adopt beautiful, adopt coding technique, safe and dependable. 贴墙式安装,美观大方,0-99频道发射,LCD液晶显示带时钟显示,采用先进编码技术,安全可靠。
- A coding technique in which a command to read or write is initiated as the need for a new block of data occurs, thus eliminating the need to store data. 需求当发生对新数据块的需求时,产生一个读或写命令的,它可以减少数据存贮的需求
- With the remarkable acceleration of the railway, the coding technique within the station was widely applied as abasic technical equipment for train safety. 随着铁路几次大的提速,站内电码化技术作为保证行车安全的基础设备已被广泛采用。
- Researchs on this new technique have been made by more and more scholars, especially after DMT was accepted by ANSI as the line coding technique in ADSL systems. 人们纷纷对这项新兴起的技术进行研究,特别是当该技术被美国定为ADSL的线路编码标准之后,对之的研究更是达到了空前繁荣的程度。
- Using computer picture recognition and bar code technique, automatically examines by the man-machine interactive way realization log examining. 摘要利用计算机图像识别及条形码技术,以人机交互方式实现原木自动检尺。
- Using coding technique,12 species of Vibrio,Aeromonas and Plesiomonas which are common in medicine have been codinged,A7 digit coding identify method has been made up and 208 strains of standard funguses have been determined. 采用编码技术对医学常见的弧菌属、气单胞菌属及邻单胞菌属的12 个菌种进行编码,建立了7 位数编码鉴定法。
- Region-of-interest (ROI) image coding technique means to compress interestingregions in an image without loss or with little loss, and to compress uninteresting(background) regions with much loss. 感兴趣区域(Region-of-interest,ROI)编码技术,即在图像中的感兴趣区域采用低压缩比的有损压缩,甚至无损压缩;
- The system adopts the design scheme of multi-patterns normalization, dynamic reconfigurable technique and signals coding technique to settle the problem of system dynamic reconfigure. 该系统采用多模式归一化设计方案、动态可重构技术和信号编码技术,解决了系统动态重构问题。
- In this paper we describe a circuit design of the PCM digital conference module with the level priority coding technique which mainly uses the IC Chip MC145611 produced by MOTOROLA Company. 本文主要介绍一种基于量值优先编码技术实现PCM数字会议模块的方法及电路设计。 该设计主要应用了MOTOROLA公司生产的IC芯片MC145611。
- Both averaged transmitted-reference (ATR) modulation technique and forward error correction (FEC) coding technique can improve the performance of Ultra-wideband (UWB) autocorrelation receiver by adding some redundant signals. 平均发射参考(ATR)调制技术和前向纠错(FEC)编码技术都能通过增加冗余信号改善超宽带(UWB)自相关接收机的检测性能。
- Provides coding techniques to writing a new device adapter for each supported device. 提供其他代码编写技术,以便为每个支持的设备编写新的设备适配器。
- The goal is not to introduce any revolutionarily new design concepts or coding techniques. 其目的不是为了介绍任何革命性的设计理念或者编程技术。
- So the article was emphasized on some key techniques such as Coding Technique, DRM, CDN, Multicast, STB about IPTV system. 简要介绍了IPTV系统中的视频编码、数字版权管理、内容分发网络、组播、机顶盒等关键技术。
- These techniques are designed to eliminate repetition, remove irrelevances, and employ special coding techniques. 如消除重复、去掉无关项、使用特殊编码技术等。
- The ECC code is based on the standard parity check, the Hamming coding, and the Manchester coding techniques. 错误更正码基于标准奇偶校验检测、汉明编码以及曼彻斯特编码技术并将其嵌入于无线通信模组的通信模组中。