- coding information quantity growing 编码信息置扩增
- coding information quantity 编码信息量
- The fci (Face Code Information) form supports inter-MSC handoffs. fci (接口编码信息)表支持 MSC 间的越区切换。
- Since information is quantified,the obtained information quantity can be assessed by the information quantity. 自信息被量化以来,通常用信息量的多寡来评价接收者获取信息的多寡。
- An impulse or a fluctuating electric quantity, such as voltage, current, or electric field strength, whose variations represent coded information. 电波电脉冲或变化的电量,比如电压、电流或电场强度,它们的变化表示着编码后的信息
- The combination obtains the greatest information quantity in CTT, and breaks the limitation of the theory in CTT and IRT. 该组合获得最大信息,并突破了IRT和CTT的局限性。
- Electronics An impulse or a fluctuating electric quantity, such as voltage, current, or electric field strength, whose variations represent coded information. 电波:电脉冲或变化的电量,比如电压、电流或电场强度,它们的变化表示着编码后的信息
- In contrast, eukaryotic mRNAs are monocistronic, containing the amino-acid coding information from just one gene. 而真核生物的mRNA为单顺反子,包含单个基因的氨基酸编码信息。
- Information quantity of water distribution system(WDS) is larger and larger because of the rapid updating of urban construction and establishments of WDS. 我国城市建设迅速发展,给水设施不断完善升级,给水管网及其附属设施的信息量随之越来越大。
- With the increase of information quantity and the diversification of information carrier, it's no longer a choice but a must to cooperate for libraries. 摘要面对全球性信息数量的急剧增长和信息载体的多样化,图书馆发展到今天,合作不再是一种选择,而是一种必须。
- Users are both the information demander and information provider, information quantity of the website can reach a certain level within a short time in this mode. 用户既是资源的需求者,同时也是提供者,以这种模式在短时间内就可以使网站的资源存储量达到一定的水平。
- The prime problem in the automatic map generalization is quantifying the efficiency, and information quantity is the most important method for that in the map communication. 摘要地图自动综合的一个首要问题是对地图信息进行数量化,信息量正是对地图表达效率数量化的一种重要手段。
- The results indicate that the striate cortex neurons may code information about gaze position. 以上结果表明,大约半数初级视皮层神经元可以编码眼位置信息。
- Finally, prokaryotic mRNAs are often polycistronic, containing the amino-acid coding information for more than one gene. 原核生物的mRNA多为多顺反子,包含多个基因的氨基酸编码信息;
- "Reading" is taking the coded information from punched cards or paper tape. “读出”就是从穿孔长片或纸带上提取代码信息。
- Can be shown in the broadcast of the song, and time code information can also adjust the order of broadcast, the broadcast very useful tool. 在播放中可以显示歌名,时间以及编码信息,还可以调整播放次序,非常实用的播放工具。
- For these reasons, be sure to work with your local post office and review current United States Postal Service bar code information. 由于这些原因,请务必与您当地的邮局合作,并检查当前的美国邮政服务条码信息。
- The server located in delivery centre received and identified DTMF signals from phone line sent by multiple clients and acquired the coding information of water level from them. 位于配送中心的服务器端从电话线上接收和识别多客户端发送的 DTMF信号,从中得到代表水位的编码信息。
- The SciFinder Scholar is a network search system for science researchers,provided by the Chemistry Abstract Service(CAS)of America. Its information quantity and its search function are superior to those of presswork and CD. SciFinder Scholar是美国化学文摘社(CAS)针对科学研究人员提供的网络检索系统,无论是信息量还是检索功能都是印刷版和光盘版化学文摘无可比拟的。
- As the information quantity grows larger and information selection becomes harder, web users will have higher demands for information's authoritativeness, promptness and correctness. 信息的海量化,甄选难度加大,网民对信息的权威、及时和准确将会提出更高的要求。