- coconut tree bark 椰树树皮
- What did the hurricane say to the coconut tree? 问:飓风和椰子树说了些甚麽?
- He who plants a coconut tree plants food and drink, vessels and clothing. 种椰子数就是栽种食品和饮料,容器和衣物。
- Having run out of food, the army had to live on wild fruit and tree bark. 部队断了粮,只能靠野果和树皮充饥。
- When winter arrived, the peasants had nothing to eat but tree bark and grass. 冬天逼近了,农民们没有吃的就捡树叶吃,拨树皮吃,挖野草吃。
- Coconut trees and palms have a tropical fiavour. 椰林棕榈,热带风味。
- Method: The matrine,amoorcom tree bark,gallnut were identified with TLC. 方法:对方中的苦参、黄柏、五倍子进行TLC鉴别。
- We can see the Five-Finger Mountains and also some coconut trees. 在那里我们可以看到五指山,还可以看到椰子树。
- While the otter is going about this task, the rabbit fashions a noose from tree bark. 趁着水獭抓鸭子的工夫,兔子用树皮做了一个绳套。
- Even the coconut trees seemed swollen and expectant. 连椰子树都似乎憋得头昏脑胀,巴望能舒上一口气。
- While the otter is going about this task,the rabbit fashions a noose from tree bark. 趁着水獭抓鸭子的工夫,兔子用树皮做了一个绳套。
- Fruits of the olive and coconut trees are important sources of oil. 橄榄树和椰子树的果实是油的重要来源。
- Commonly used matrix has turfy earth, coconut tree branny, pearlite, vermiculite, mix commonly use. 常用的基质有泥炭土.;椰糠
- The forests were loud with the clatter of tree bark, chatter of cicada, and murmur of fish-laden streams. 森林里热闹极了,树干摩擦霹啪响,蝉鸣阵阵,河里数不尽的鱼儿也低语呢喃。
- Newlyweds love personally planted in front of a coconut tree, to show good luck. 新婚夫妇都爱在门前亲手种下一棵椰子树,以示吉祥。
- He discovered that it tasted like a Peruvian tree bark that was often used as a painkiller. 他发现尝起来与常常用以做止痛药的一种秘鲁树皮很像。
- Tree bark contributes to the adaptive problems faced by woodpeckers, but stones lying at the foot of a tree do not. 对啄木鸟来说,树皮是适应问题,树根旁的石头不是;
- A length of unidentifiable brown woody tree bark, possibly cinnamon -- meaning unknown. 长度不明褐色木质树皮;可能是肉桂--含义不明.
- This woman couldn't have grown up with Tantie.She was much younger than my mama.But when she said hallo, her voice was crackly like dried coconut tree branches. 但是领我纳闷的是我这个女人不可能和坦蒂一样大,她比我的妈妈还要年轻许多。
- During an afternoon walk, Stone felt like chewing a bit of tree bark and started nibbling on a twig broken off from a local willow. 在一日午后的散步中,史东突然想嚼一点树皮,于是开始啃当地的一种柳树折下的小枝。