- In the Andes, time is often measured by how long it takes to chew a quid of coca leaf. 在安第斯山脉,人们常常用嚼一块古柯叶所用的时间作为计算时间的单位。
- Red Bull responded by saying the product is "harmless", insisting the flavouring method using coca leaf extracts is widespread. 红牛回应说,该产品是“无害”,坚持用的调味古柯叶提取物的现象很普遍。
- "De-cocainized extract of coca leaf is used worldwide in foods as a natural flavoring," said a Red Bull spokesman in response to the German government's announcement. 一个红牛的发言人在回应政府声明时说:“去除了古柯碱的古柯叶提取物一种天然调味料,在世界上广泛使用。”
- It was named for its main ingredients, coca leaves and the kola nut. 而可口可乐被命名则是因为它的主要成分包括古柯叶和可乐果。
- Back in 1886, a pharmacist in Atlanta, Georgia cooked up a thick, sweet syrup made from coca leaves and kola nuts. 在1886年,亚特兰大的一位药剂师乔治亚用古柯叶和可乐果烹煮出一种又稠又甜的糖浆。
- It was originally made from a syrup of coca leaves and cola nuts and sold as a medicine. 可口可乐最初是用古柯树叶和可乐果做成的一种糖浆,做为药品出售。
- Most prominently, there was Coca-Cola whose original 19th century formula used unaltered coca leaves. 最著名的就是可口可乐,在它19世纪最初的配方中古柯叶是不经过任何处理直接使用的。
- There's no cocaine in Coke, and technically there never was, though it uses coca leaves and kola nuts as flavorings and stimulants. 可乐里面没有可卡因,并且从未有过,尽管它使用古柯叶和可可果作为调料和刺激成本。
- Consultative Group on Coca Leaf Problems 古柯叶问题协商小组
- Consultative Group on Coca Leaf Problems; 古柯叶问题协商小组;
- Peruvian farmers holding coca leaves attend a ceremony where President of the Cuzco Region Oscar Cuaresma signed a new coca law in the Andean city of Cuzco, Peru June 21, 2005. 秘鲁农夫拿著古柯叶参与一场典礼,在这场集会中,秘鲁安地斯山脉地区库斯科市的首长签署一项新的古柯法律。
- Meanwhile, Bolivia, which has lots of coca leaves to sell, is getting a kick out of the fact Red Bull Cola admits to using coca in any form (since Coca-Cola evades the question). 与此同时,有很多古柯叶出售的玻利维亚,也爆出了红牛可乐承认使用某些形式的古柯碱的事实(自可口可乐回避这个问题)。
- Foreign nationals were asked to leave the country. 外国侨民被要求离开该国。
- I gave him money as an inducement to leave. 我给他钱,诱使他离去。
- I will leave you now so that you can unpack. 我这就走,好让你打开行李。
- A colorless or white crystalline alkaloid, C17H21NO4, extracted from coca leaves, sometimes used in medicine as a local anesthetic especially for the eyes, nose, or throat and widely used as an illicit drug for its euphoric and stimulating effects. 古柯碱,可卡因无色或白色结晶生物碱,C17H21NO4,从古柯叶中提取,有时用作局部麻醉药,尤其用于眼睛、鼻子或喉咙,还因其兴奋性和刺激性而广泛用作非法毒品
- The olive leaf is a badge of peace. 橄榄叶是和平的象征。
- He found it is easy to leave the house unobserved. 他发现很容易从这座房子溜走而不被发现。
- Can I leave you to square up with the waiter? 我把跟服务员结帐的事交给你办行吗?
- Leave the chicken out overnight to thaw it out. 把这只鸡在外放一晚上就解冻了。