- He turned up his coat collar against the chill wind. 他竖起大衣领抵御寒风。
- He turned the coat collar up because of the wind. 由于风大,他把大衣领子翻了起来。
- You should turn down your coat collar. 你应将衣领翻开。
- There were two grey hairs on your coat collar. 你的衣领上有两根白头发。
- He turned his coat collar against the chilly wind. 他竖起大衣领抵御寒风。
- The wind was so hard that I had to turn my coat collar up. 风太大,我不得不把衣领翻了起来。
- It is so hot inside. Please turn down your coat collar. 里面太热了,请把大衣领翻下。
- The wind was so cold that he turned his coat collar up. 风太冷了,所以他把衣领翻起来。
- He turned up his coat collar against the strong wind. 他竖起大衣领抵御大风。
- The wind was so strong that he turned his coat collar up. 风太大了,他把衣领翻了起来。
- Although he was a Red Army commander as well as chairman, he wore on his coat collar only the two red bars that are the insignia of the ordinary Red Soldier. 他虽然除了主席以外还是红军的一个指挥员,他所佩的领章,也不过是普通战士所佩的两条红领章。
- He turned up his coat collar. 他把衣领竖起来。
- Turn down one's coat collar. 把衣领翻下。
- Turn up one's coat collar. 把衣领翻上。
- The fur collar mats when it gets wet. 皮领子湿了时毛就结在一起。
- The collar of his ragged coat was turned up. 他那破烂上衣的领子向上翻着。
- I got a new coat in that store last week. 上礼拜我在那家店买了一件新外套。
- two blonde hairs on his coat collar 留在他外衣领子上的金发女子的两根头发
- turn up one's coat collar against the chill wind 竖起大衣领抵御寒风
- The alterations to your coat will take a week. 你的外衣改一改要花一个星期。