- A partially reinforced Al Si alloy matrix composite piston produced by squeeze casting technique has a firm interface between reinforced and unreinforced... 挤压铸造工艺生产的局部增强铝基复合材料活塞,界面结合可靠、成品率高、工艺兼容性好,作为新型活塞材料,已在我国发动机行业应用并达到批量生产。
- Abstract By addition of a reactant with stoichiometric ingredient of Ti and B to molten Al Si alloy,a particulate reinfaced cast TiB 2/Al Si composite by in situ reaction has been achieved. 在铝硅合金熔体中加入Ti和B成理想配比的反应剂,原位生成颗粒增强铸造复合材料TiB2/Al?Si。
- Alumina or aluminosilicate fibers reinforced Al Si alloy matrix composite have more excellent synthetical properties at elevated temperature than the matrix alloys. 氧化铝或硅酸铝短纤维增强铝基复合材料比基体材料有更优异的高温综合性能。
- Refining effect of boron on the hypoeutectic Al Si alloys and pure aluminum has been studied with SEM and XRD. 利用DSC,SEM 和X 射线衍射等手段, 分析了硼对纯铝及亚共晶Al?Si 合金的细化作用。
- The modifying elements used in hypoeutectic Al Si alloys,besides Na,there are also Sr,Te,Ba,Sb,K,RE,B,S,etc. 亚共晶铝硅合金的变质元素除钠以外,还有锶、碲、钡、锑、钾、稀土、硼、硫等。其中,应用较多的是含钠和锶的变质剂。
- Step Growth of Primary Silicon in Al Si Alloy Al-Si 合金中初晶 Si 的台阶生长
- The good effect has been gained on the hypereutectic Al Si alloys treated with some double refining and modifying agents such as P,S,RE,Sr,Na,C,etc. 采用磷、硫、稀土、锶、钠、碳等进行双重细化变质处理过共晶铝硅合金已取得了良好的效果。
- coarse Al - Si alloy 一次铝硅合金
- Effects of La and Y on Hypereutectic Al Si Alloy 镧、钇稀土在过共晶铝硅合金中的作用
- Keywords Hypereutectic Al Si Alloy;Refinement;Modification Agent; 过共晶铝硅合金;细化;变质剂;
- Keywords hypereutectic Al Si alloy;cooling curve;linear expansion coefficient; 过共晶铝硅合金;冷却曲线;线膨胀系数;
- Keywords rapid solidification;hypereutectic Al Si alloy;hot extrusion; 快速凝固;高硅铝合金;热挤压;
- It also presents the research trend of cast Al?Si alloy. 对铸造Al?Si合金以后的研究方向提出了看法
- Keywords hypoeutectic Al Si alloy;melt thermal treatment;solidification structure;refinement; 亚共晶铝硅合金;熔体温度处理;凝固组织;细化;
- Keywords spray deposition;hypereutectic Al Si alloy;divorce eutectic;solidification; 喷射沉积;高硅铝合金;离异共晶;凝固;
- Keywords Hypereutectic Al Si alloy Structure Machinability Tool wear Surface quality; 过共晶铝硅合金;组织;切削;刀具磨损;表面质量;
- The microstructure of a Al Si eutectic alloy has been investigated by TEM,SEM and EPMA. 观察分析了铝硅二元共晶合金的显微结构。
- Keywords aluminium alloys / Al Si alloy;solidification thermal parameters;dendrite arm space;ultimate tensile strength; 铝合金/铝硅合金;凝固期热参数;二次枝晶间距;极限抗拉强度;
- The modifying experiments on hypereutectic Al - Si alloy were made by addition of sodium flux and P - Cu alloy. 用磷铜合金和四元钠盐变质剂对过共晶铝硅合金进行了变质处理试验。
- The microstructure, mechanical properties and deformation characteristics have been studied for a cast Al Si Mg alloy A357 treated under different aging conditions. 研究了Al?Si?Mg系A357合金在不同时效状态下的显微组织、力学性能及形变特性。