- coal mining areas of Mentougou 门头沟煤矿区
- Objective To investigate the epidemiological status of visceral leishmaniasis in Hamangou coal mine area of Korla City of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. 目的 调查新疆库尔勒市塔什店镇哈满沟煤矿内脏利什曼病的流行现况。
- The coal mining area is in the center of the basin. 煤矿区位于盆地的中心。
- The paper proposes a policy of combining development of CBM in existing mine areas with that in remote area of coal mines in current and future periods of time in China. 本文提出在当前和今后一段时期内,我国煤层气开发宜采用煤矿区煤层气开发和煤矿边远区煤层气开发相结合的策略。
- All units and individuals shall be forbidden to disrupt the order of production and other work in coal mine areas. 禁止任何单位和个人扰乱煤矿矿区的生产秩序和工作秩序。
- Japan's Coal Policies and Its Strategies to Enliven Coal Mining Regions and the Inspiration China May Get concerning the Reformation of the Old Mining Areas of the Resource Type 日本的产煤地域振兴对策及其对我国资源型老工矿地区改造的启示
- In West Coal Mining Area of Three Rivers Probe into Broken Methanism and Prevention and Cure of Vertical Pit Wall of Freeze and Thaw 西三江煤矿区冻融竖井井壁破裂机理及防治探讨
- The State shall encourage coal mining enterprises to carry out second mining or extract residual coal at the margins of mining areas and very thin coal seams. 国家鼓励煤矿企业进行复采或者开采边角残煤和极薄煤。
- Focus on Shandong Jinling Iron Ore Mine area, Pingdu gold mining areas, such as jujube Tao coal mining area. 重点矿区为山东金岭铁矿区、平度金矿区、枣陶煤矿区等。
- The State shall maintain order in production and other work in coal mine areas and protect the facilities of coal mining enterprises. 第十条国家维护煤矿矿区的生产秩序、工作秩序,保护煤矿企业设施。
- Article 10 The State shall maintain order in production and other work in coal mine areas and protect the facilities of coal mining enterprises. 第十条国家维护煤矿矿区的生产秩序、工作秩序,保护煤矿企业设施。
- In the east part every coal mining areas,located in loess plateau,are confronted with poor water resources and weak ecologic environment. 西北东部黄土高原区内的各煤矿区开发面临贫乏的水资源与脆弱的生态环境问题。
- They are ventilating the sap of a coal mine. 他们正在使煤矿坑道通风。
- Wulunshan Coal Mining Area in Guizhou has intact geological structure and high CBM content. 贵州省五轮山矿区构造完整,煤层含气量高。
- Objective: To investigate the risk factors of cysticercosis among the residents in Huainan coal mine areas. 目的:调查淮南矿区猪囊虫病流行的危险因素。
- Mycorrhiza is one of the new technologies applied on ecological restoration of coal mine areas. 菌根是目前应用于煤矿区生态治理的一种新技术,菌根孢子密度是衡量菌根生态适应性的标准之一。
- The fire extinguishing measures adopted in coal mining area are introduced.It has made good result. 介绍了单一煤层采区发火时采用的灭火措施并收到了良好的效果。
- The first chapter delimits her area of research. 第一章阐明了她的研究领域。
- The present research situation of water-inrush from coal mining area floor was briefly introduced. 摘要简述了国内外开采煤层底板突水机理的研究现状。
- The hard outer portion or surface area of bread. 面包皮面包的表面区域的硬皮