- coagulanting bath additive 凝结槽添加剂
- coagulating bath additive 沉淀槽加料
- Furthermore, ratio of TPU/PVC, additive and coagulation bath composition conditions on structures and properties of PVC/TPU hollow fiber membranes were also investigated. 实验表明,适当控制膜液的组成,可以得到水通量较大、截留率高、抗冲击性能优良的膜。
- Receive detailed information on Hair-care products, medium of fragrance and Bath additives or on cosmetics with the enterprise KAO CORPORATION GMBH. KAO corporation GMBH 作为一家灵活的、经验的产品供应商为您提供高质量的电解液添加物,管道用品、道用品,头发护理品,化妆品。
- Compound coagulating bath of bicomponent or tricomponent were found having better molding effect. 凝固浴以双组分及三组分效果较好。
- By analyzing the structures and properties of the PVA as-spun fiber and it's drawn fiber,the effects of coagulation bath conditions are investigeted. 通过聚乙烯醇冻胶纺初生纤维及其拉伸纤维的测试分析研究了不同凝固浴条件对结构性能的影响。
- The results indicate that the fiber with superior structure and properties can be obtained if a colder coagulation bath of well chosen medium is used. 研究表明,较低的凝固浴温度和经筛选的凝固浴介质有利于形成结构性能更佳的初生冻胶丝及其拉伸纤维。
- The CC solution with 7% mass fraction was exposed to solution spinning in presence of 7% dilute sulfuric acid as coagulation bath after filtration and deaeration. 探索了尿素对纤维素氨基甲酸酯(CC)/氢氧化钠溶液(CC溶液)的增溶作用,考察了不同浓度CC溶液的流变性能,选择CC质量分数为7%25的溶液经过滤、脱泡后,以7%25的稀硫酸为凝固浴进行溶液纺丝。
- The effects of coagulation bath temperature and air gap distance on the surface structure, cross section structure and water flux of membranes were discussed. 分析了凝固浴温度及空气间隙距离对膜的表面孔结构、断面结构和其他性能的影响。
- What condition the coagulation bath is in one of the important fa-ctors which decide the morphology of the microporous membranes obtainedby phase-conversion process. 对于采用相转换法制得的微孔膜,凝固浴条件是决定其膜形态结构的重要因素之一。
- The coagulating bath contains sulfuric acid, mainly to neutralize the alkali viscose solution, and salts which are principally sodium sulfate and a very small amount of zinc sulfate which aids in the precipitation process. 凝固浴中含有硫酸,主要用来中和碱性的粘胶溶液,其主要成分为硫酸钠的盐类以及凝固过程中加入的少量硫酸锌。
- I was taking a bath at this time last night. 昨天晚上这个时候我在洗澡。
- The effects of acid content of coagulation bath and PANI content of spin dope on the morphology and structure of as-spun fibers were studied by SEM. And the effect of the microstructure of as-spun fiber on the tensile property was also discussed. 采用扫描电子显微镜 ( SEM)研究了凝固浴中酸的含量以及纺丝浆液中 PANI的含量对初生纤维形态结构的影响 ,并探讨了初生纤维的微观结构对纤维的拉伸性能的影响
- A long hot bath can be pure luxury. 洗个痛快的热水澡可真是一种至高的享受。
- The effects of polymer concentration, solvent volatilization time, temperature and composition of coagulation bath and the thickness of membranes are studied for preparing the best nanofiltration membrane. 实验重点考察了铸膜液固含量、溶剂蒸发时间、凝胶浴组成和温度、膜厚等因素对所制纳滤膜性能的影响。
- The factors affecting the quality of chitin and chitosan fibers were described, including chitin and chitosan quality, solvent for spinning dope and its concentration and coagulation bath. 概述了影响甲壳素和甲壳胺纤维质量的因素,如甲壳素和甲壳胺的品质、纺丝原液的溶剂选择及浓度的确定、凝固浴的确定;
- You spend a ridiculous length of time in the bath. 你洗澡用那麽长时间,真不像话。
- He'll be having a bath this time tomorrow. 明天这个时候他要洗澡。
- Cold bath keeps me is good health. 冷水浴使我身体健康。
- The bath/The bath water is running over. 浴缸[浴缸的水]溢出来了。