- Heaps are tables that have no clustered index. 堆是没有聚集索引的表。
- The following example reorganizes a single clustered index. 下面的示例重新组织单个聚集索引。
- This redistributes the data while the clustered index is created. 在创建聚集索引时将重新分布数据。
- A column is part of a clustered index key that may be null. 列是可能空聚集索引键的一部分。
- This value does not include the leaf level of the clustered index. 注意:该值不包括聚集索引的叶级别。
- Only one clustered index can be dropped online at a time. 一次只能联机删除一个聚集索引。
- You can recreate the clustered index to fix this error. 聚簇索引的问题,可以删除了重建。
- The resulting clustered index will have the same name as the constraint. 生成的聚集索引将与约束同名。
- If the clustered index is being rebuilt, an exclusive table lock is held. 如果重新生成了聚集索引,则持有排他表锁。
- Points to the top of the clustered index B-tree in the specified partition. 列指向指定分区内聚集索引B树的顶端。
- Use an integer data type for the first column of the clustered index. 对聚集索引的第一列使用整数数据类型。
- Columns; however, such columns cannot be included in the clustered index key. 列;但聚集索引健中不能包含这类列。
- Re-creating a clustered index reorganizes the data, and causes full data pages. 重新创建聚集索引将重新组织数据,从而使数据页填满。
- A view with a unique clustered index is called an indexed view. 具有唯一聚集索引的视图称为索引视图。
- More important, update the statistics on the clustered index or the full-text key for a full crawl. 更重要的是,更新聚集索引的统计信息或全文爬网的全文键。
- The Argument column also contains the name of the table or clustered index in which the row is looked up. Argument列还包含要查找的行所在的表或聚集索引的名称。
- The Argument column contains the bookmark label used to look up the row in the table or clustered index. Argument列包含书签标签,用于在表或聚集索引内查找行。
- An indexed view is a view with a unique clustered index created on it. 索引视图是包含为其创建的唯一聚集索引的视图。
- Reorganizing a specified clustered index compacts all LOB columns that are contained in the clustered index. 重新组织指定的聚集索引将压缩聚集索引中包含的所有LOB列。
- How do I find all the tables that do not have a clustered index in a specified database? 如何找到指定数据库中没有聚集索引的所有表?