- clouded leopard skin 云豹皮
- I saw a man in a leopard skin yesterday. 我昨天看见一个穿着豹皮的男人。
- In February 2004, the virus was detected in a clouded leopard that died at a zoo near Bangkok. 2004年2月,在曼谷附近一家动物园死亡的云豹身上检出病毒。
- The clouded leopard is the largest predator on the Borneo and Sumatra Islands. Described as very secretive it spends most of its time in the tree canopies of the rainforests. 婆罗洲云豹是该岛以及苏门答腊岛最大的食肉动物。科学家称婆罗洲云豹行踪诡秘,大部分时间都呆在热带雨林的树冠上。
- This little clouded leopard cub was born this week at a National Zoo research center in northern Virginia. 这个瘦小的雪豹幼崽在这周出生在维吉尼亚北部的国家动物园研究中心。
- The new species of clouded leopard has the longest canine teeth for its size of any cat. 这种新的云豹的犬齿比同样大小的其它猫科动物的犬齿都长。
- Researchers believe the clouded leopard of Borneo may have separated from the mainland population more than one million years ago. 研究人员相信婆罗洲岛的云豹是在一百万多年前从亚洲大陆的云豹品种中分离出来的。
- The Danum Valley also serves as a sanctuary to more than 110 mammals, including the Asian elephant, the clouded leopard, and the flying lemur. 丹浓谷同时也是一百一十多种哺乳动物的庇护家园,这些动物包括了亚洲象、云豹与飞狐猴。
- Because the flix of its design and color and leopard is very similar, reason has "leopard skin is beautiful "renown. 由于它的花色与金钱豹的毛皮极为相似,故有“豹皮花”之名。
- There is a new species of leopard out there in the rainforest of Borneo. The clouded leopard is secretive and gets its name from the cloud-shaped patterns on its fur. 在婆罗州有一种新的美洲豹在热带雨林中被发现.;此豹隐居;并以它身上的云状豹纹图案和毛来命名
- Habitats such as the Su Ling, size Lingmao, pangolins, clouded leopard, the Shuilu, such as more than 90 kinds of precious wild animals, Dongnuanxialiang. 栖息着如苏门羚、大小灵猫、穿山甲、云豹、水鹿等90多种珍贵野生动物,冬暖夏凉。
- They were inspired by the species of snake called the Manba.And that pair are based on leopard skin, which makes the shoes very cool. 常用语预设 访客在线咨询企业常见问题的时候,客服只需要在已经设定好的常用语上找到相应的答案,发送给访客,以提高相应速度,减少访客等待的时间。
- Leopard skin flower is not tall to edaphic requirement, general loam adds training ground n or sandy soil can, need not join overmuch humus. 豹皮花对土壤要求不高,培养土一般壤土加粗沙或沙土即可,不必加入过多的腐殖质。
- It maintains exhibits of some of Nepal's most well known and endangered fauna, including one-horned Indian rhinos, Bengal tigers, and the clouded leopard. 其主要展示一些尼泊尔著名的濒危动物,如独角印度犀牛,孟加拉虎,还有云豹等。
- Chinese police have arrested a man trying to sell the fur of endangered animals in the southeastern port city of Xiamen;pelts of panda fur and clouded leopard fur were seized. 中国厦门警方近日破获一起贩卖国家一级保护动物皮案件,抓获一名犯罪嫌疑人,缴获大熊猫皮和云豹皮各一张。
- They were inspired by the species of snake called the Manba.And that pair are based on leopard skin, which makes the shoes very jordan shoes cool. 轨迹功能客服可以看到访客登录网站后先后访问过哪些页面,分别在各个页面停留的时间,帮助客服有针对性的介绍业务,同时也为企业了解客户最关心的信息提供了依据。
- Especially when you have a girl, wearing zebra stripes, who subsequently sits on a leopard skin couch while a velvet tiger picture intrudes from the background. 尤其是当你有一个女孩,穿着斑马条纹,谁后来坐在沙发上豹皮肤而入侵天鹅绒老虎图片的背景。
- Leopard skin flower is not able to bear or endure water is wet, summertime avoid drench, water excessive or the basin is medium seeper, all easy cause root ministry decay to die. 豹皮花不耐水湿,夏季忌雨淋,浇水过度或盆中积水,均易造成根部腐烂死亡。
- Bitahai of virgin forest surrounded by large, the forest has Pui hens, chicken foot red and white pheasant, buffalo, red deer, Macaques, the clouded leopard, lynx, squirrels and other animals. 碧塔海的四周都是大原始森林,林中有贝母鸡、红脚鸡、白鹇、野牛、马鹿、弥猴、云豹、猞猁、松鼠等许多动物。
- Most schools do have dress codes that prohibit midriff baring shirts and short skirts and disciplinarians say they will enforce the rules.Caption Stores are selling leopard skin skirts and tube tops in pre-teen sizes and young girls are raiding the racks. 多数学校的着装规定不许穿露脐装和超短裙,主管学校风纪的老师们也表示要严格执行规定。