- Don't make a commitment to the uncommitted. 不要轻率地对未做承诺的男人做出承诺。
- I have a commitment to him to pay all of the debt. 我答应他付清所有的债。
- I have a commitment to him to pay all the debt. 我答应他付清所有的债。
- I'll make a commitment with you right now. 我要马上跟你把租约敲定。
- To fail to keep a commitment or promise. 失言没有履行义务或诺言
- Eg. We made a commitment to keep working together. 我们承诺一起继续工作。
- Democrats said they were simply closing a loophole. 民主党人说,他们只是最后一个漏洞。
- Do we have a commitment for an on-site customer? 我们有一个现场客户的承诺吗?
- He made a commitment to pay the bill on time. 他许诺按时付帐。
- An unwanted making and breaking of the connection while opening or closing a contact. 一触点在断开或闭合时造成的一种不希望产生的断断续续的连接状态。
- In other words, a decision is a commitment. 换言之,一项决策就是一项承诺。
- Block is used to close a file opened in the. 块中打开的文件。
- A commitment, as of time or support. 投入时间或帮助的投入
- Open and close a book or folder. 打开和关闭书籍或文件夹。。。
- He is afraid of giving a commitment. 他害怕给对方承诺。
- When you close a Web site, the cache is deleted. 关闭网站时,缓存将删除。
- He made a commitment to pay the rent on time. 他保证按时付房租。
- He who opens a school door, close a prison. 开一所学校,关一所监狱。
- I felt I did not have to make such a commitment to them. 我觉得我没有必要对他们作出那样的承诺。
- Close a fund when Shanghai redeems most long ago? 封闭基金最早何时申赎?