- Fuzzy self-tuning PI control technology of frequency conver- sion closed loop drive system 变频调速闭环系统模糊自校正PI控制技术
- The piezoceramics linear driving system of closed loop control combined with a raster rule of high distinguishability is applied in the machine to meet the demand of microfabrication. 该机床采用压电陶瓷直线电机和光栅尺构成高精密的伺服驱动系统来满足微细、高精度加工的要求。
- Drive and control part: adopting AC frequency conversion speed, drive step by step, digital closed loop control system. 五、传动及控制部:采用交流变频调速,分步传动,全数字闭环控制系统。
- Pay attention to her backhand loop drive. 注意她的反手弧圈球。
- This control may be closed loop or open loop. 控制可以是闭环的也可以是开环的。
- The annealer is internally cooled with a closed loop cooling system. 退火炉由一个闭环冷却系统进行内部冷却。
- L-line series adopting linear drive system. 采用直线驱动机构的L-line系列。
- The system uses feedforward terms so we would expect to keep to a given closed loop gain ±10%. 由于系统使用了前馈项,预期闭环增益保持在给定值的±10%25之内。
- Fly-Drive transaxle rear wheel drive system. 粉煤灰驱动桥后轮驱动系统。
- Lay down top drive system spinner. 拆下顶部驱动的旋扣器。
- A heat transfer fluid used in the sealed closed loop of the GSHP. 用于地源热泵封闭回路的传热液。
- Water treatment of closed loop soft water circulation system of No. 3 BF in Ji'nan Iron and Steel Co. 济钢3号高炉软水闭路循环系统的水质处理。
- It can retain invariablenes by using pressure closed loop. 提出用压力闭环来保持伺服阀压降恒定。
- Water treatment of closed loop soft water cooling system for No.4 BF at Benxi Iron & Steel Co. 本钢4号高炉软水密闭循环冷却系统的水质处理
- Management of closed loop soft water cooling system for 3200m~3 BF at Wuhan Iron & Steel Co. 武钢3200m~3高炉冷却壁软水密闭循环冷却系统的管理
- ECB Magnetic Brake System, Poly-V solid ribbed belt drive system. ECB磁控阻力系统,Poly-V传动带。
- Abstract: A novel digital closed loop system of Coriolis mass flowmeter (CMF) is devised and realized. 文章摘要: 提出并实现了一种科氏质量流量计的新型数字闭环系统。
- Type DJJ1high-speed EMU uses advanced AC drive system of the world. 在广深铁路已投入商业运营的DJJ1型高速交流传动高速电动车组采用了世界先进水平的交流传动系统。
- The PCM will operate in two different modes: Open Loop and Closed Loop. PCM将在两种不同的模式中工作:开路回路和闭路回路。