- A Design of The Electromagnetic Adjustable J-T Valve for 4K Closed Cycle Refrigerator 用于4K级闭式循环制冷机的电磁式可调J-T阀设计
- close cycle refrigeration 闭合循环冷冻
- Design a closed cycle deinking facility is technically feasible, the cost of the facility, however is high and not currently justifiable economically. 设计一个封闭循环的脱墨设施在技术上是可行的,但设施的费用较高,目前在经济上尚不尽合理。
- That PID is adjusted is that general closed cycle navar is so useful as to adjust method comparatively muchly. PID调节是一般闭环控制系统中用得较多的调节方法。
- The ammonium fluoride and ammonia closed cycle method for white carbon black production from dewaxed and deoiled waste clay. 氟化铵和氨循环法从脱腊脱油废白土中制取白炭黑。
- This paper give an advice that we can realize closed cycle control of feeding shaft by proportional valve and linear grid ruler instead of servo emplifier and servo motor. 利用比例阀和线性光栅尺配合使用替代伺服放大器和伺服电机实现进给轴的闭环控制。
- separate Stirling cycle refrigerator 分置式斯特林循环制冷机
- The paper formulizes the mechanism and technological process of treating DDNP wastewater and of realizing water closed cycle by underpressure distillation method. 简要概述了化工厂DDNP废水来源及水质,详细阐述了减压蒸馏法处理DDNP废水实现水闭路循环的机理、工艺流程。
- Some benefits include: fast implementation cycle, comparatively low-cost, restoration of eroded topsoil and a closed cycle for return of soil micronutrients. 一些优点包括:快速的实行周期,相比较低成本,恢复腐蚀的土壤表层和一个归还泥土微型营养的循环周期。
- Keywords stirling cycle refrigerator;optimization; 斯特林循环;致冷器;最佳化;
- A test-rig for closed cycle diesel oxygen replenishment is developed and the emphasis is focused upon the experimental research on the feedforward compensation for oxygen control. 本文叙述了闭式循环柴油机配氧及监控实验台架,着重进行了前馈控制策略的实验研究。
- Gifford-Mcmahon cycle refrigerator 吉福德-麦克马洪循环冷冻机
- It is suggested that option of the opened refrigerating cycle or closed cycle should be carried out according to the requirements of an actual engineering project. 开式空气制冷循环与闭式空气制冷循环在工程应用中各具特色,应根据应用状况来决定是否采用开、闭式制冷循环。
- Giffore-Mcmahon cycle refrigerator 吉福德-麦克马洪循环制冷器
- CCD (Closed Cycle Diesel Engine System) is one of these solutions with merits of low exploiture period, high reliability and well-developed technique of diesel engine, etc, and easy to implement. 在众多的AIP方案中,闭式循环柴油机系统CCD(Closed Cycle Diesel Engine System)具有开发周期短、可靠性高、柴油机技术十分成熟、易于实现等突出优点。
- The service life of blast furnace can be elongated with application of soft water closed cycle technology for cooling system, remote control lining forming with spray, and the expert system and the camera shooting technology in furnace top. 改造冷却系统采用软水闭路循环技术、采用遥控喷涂造衬技术以及智能专家系统和炉顶摄像技术的应用 ,延长了高炉的寿命。
- The paper introduces the difference of heat pump drying and heat air drying,the drying system of the former is the closed cycle of moisture air and it is dehumidified by refrigeration. 热泵与常规热风干燥的区别在于前者的干燥系统中空气为闭式循环,依靠制冷原理对空气降温;后者为开式循环,依靠换气使空气降湿。
- We have developed an engineering "eye safe" CO 2 laser rangefinder (LRF). It is based on a miniature metal ceramic TEA CO 2 laser operating at 10.6 micronmeters and CMT detector cooled by splitting close cycle Stirling. 已研制成功了一台由微机控制、采用小型金属陶瓷TEACO2激光器作光源、以分置式闭合循环Stirling机致冷CMT探测器的工程型人眼“安全”CO2激光测距机。
- S. Hamlin,R. Hurt,S.A. Tassou. Enhancing the performance of evaporative spray cooling in air cycle refrigeration and air conditioning technology[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering , 1998, 18: 1139. 刘忠宝;王浚.;单级逆升压空气制冷系统在房间空调中的应用[J]
- The Air-Conditioning with the Air Cycle Refrigerator on ICE Passenger Cars 采用空气循环制冷机的ICE客车用空调