- Close the folder, and then start any Microsoft Office 2003 program to start the Office 2003 Activation Wizard. 关闭文件夹,然后再启动任何Microsoft Office 2003程序以启动Office 2003激活向导。
- Would you mind closing the door as you leave the office? 你离开办公室的时候把门关上好吗?
- He walks lazily into the office and noisily closes the door. 他懒洋洋地走进办公室并且大声地关门。
- In a second,Bob Cratchit closed the office and went out ,too. 过了一会儿,鲍勃.;克拉基特关上办公室的门也走了。
- When some messages are displayed, either by the Office Assistant or without the Assistant, you may not be able to work in Microsoft Office until you close the message. 当出现某些消息时,无论是由“Office助手”产生还是在没有“助手”时出现,均只有在关闭消息后,才可使用Microsoft Office。
- For the umpteenth time close the door quietly. 我告诉过你好多次要轻轻地关门。
- There is a rose bush in front of the office. 办公室前有一丛玫瑰。
- The office block is under offer. 办公大楼已有人出价购买。
- Excuse me-do you mind if we close the window? 请原谅-我们关上窗户您不介意吧?
- He aim to streamline the office. 他的目标是提高办公室的工作效率。
- The office is asking for the vat papers. 办事处要有关增值税的文件。
- He had to walk or rather run to the office. 他得走著--应该说是跑著--去上班。
- The switches close the contacts and complete the circuit. 这些开关可使接触器接通电流形成回路。
- She can always be reached by the office telephone. 打电话到办公室去总能找到她。
- He's new in the office but he'll soon shake down. 他虽然刚来这个办公室,但很快就会适应的。
- When we decide to drive to the office, we must open the garage door, get in the car, start the motor, back out, and close the garage door before we even begin the forward motion that will take us to our destination. 当我们决定开车前往办公室时,必须打开车库门。 上车,启动发动机。 然后停下来,在动身前往目的地之前关闭车库门。
- We're very short-staffed in the office this week. 本星期我们办公室人手不够。
- His frivolity annoys the other people in the office. 他的轻浮使办公室里的其他人感到不快。
- The office has been humming with activity. 办公室一直忙着搞活动。
- The politician dissociated himself from the decision to close the school. 那位政治家声明,他本人与关闭那所学校的决定无关。