- If they're criticized, they tend to close ranks. 要是遭遇批评,他们便会团结一致对外。
- In times of crisis party members should close ranks. 在紧要关头,党员应该团结起来。
- If they are criticized, they tend to close ranks. 要是遭遇批评,他们便会团结一致对外。
- We should close ranks to do the job. 我们应当携手合作完成这项工作。
- The chairman called on the people to close ranks against the enemy. 主席号召人民紧密团结起来反对敌人。
- In the time of crisis party members should close ranks. 在紧要关头; 党员应该团结起来.
- So once more I could with an appeal to you to close ranks with us. 最后,我再次吁请你同我们团结。
- All Americans know how to close ranks in their na-tional interest. (所有美国人都知道怎样为了国家利益而团结合作。)
- All parties closed ranks to win the war. 所有党派停止争论。团结起来赢得了战争。
- So once more I could call with an appeal to you to close ranks with us. 最后,我再次吁请你同我们团结。
- As soon as one of their members was threatened by the law, the Mafia closed ranks and gathered round him. 黑手党中一旦有人面临法律制裁的威胁,其余的人就会一致行动,聚集起来支援他。
- The soldiers closed ranks and was determined to fight to a finish. 士兵们靠拢成行,决心战斗到底。
- Management closed ranks and ostracized the troublemaker. 管理员使队伍靠拢,将捣乱者清除出去
- Just as we fight hard when the stakes are high,we close ranks and come together when the contest is done. 愈是危急关头,我们的斗志愈高昂;输赢一定,我们捐弃嫌隙,携手合作。
- Leaders of the ruling party closed ranks behind the government. 执政党的领袖们紧密团结,支持政府。
- It's not unusual for the police to close ranks when one of their officers is being investigated. 在一位警员受到调查时,警察抱团的事并不罕见。
- American writers closed ranks yesterday behind Satanic Verses' author Salman Rushdie, with at least two demonstrations planned for tomorrow and called for President Bush to take action. 美国作家昨天团结一致支持《撒旦诗篇》的作者拉什迪,计划明天至少举行两起示威,并要求布什总统采取行动。
- Finally, Sir Paul was a continuity candidate around whom everyone could close ranks after a unpleasantly tumultuous spell. 最后一点,保罗一直身处警署,经此动荡时局,他能够使人们围绕他团结起来。
- Although the family quarrelled a good deal among themselves,they quickly close ranks against any outsiders who criticized or tried to make trouble for one of them. 虽然这家人内部吵个不停,但如果人对其某一成员批评或找麻烦时,他们又会很快抱成一团反对外人。
- Although the family quarrelled a good deal among themselves, they quickly close ranks against any outsiders who criticized or tried to make trouble for one of them. 虽然这家人内部吵个不停,但如果人对其某一成员批评或找麻烦时,他们又会很快抱成一团反对外人。