- We do not close our eyes to the difficulties. 我们并非无视这些困难。
- We mustn't close our eyes to these facts. 我们不应闭眼不看这些事实。
- We cannot close our eyes to evil doers and evil deeds. 我们对坏人坏事决不能熟视无睹。
- We cannot close our eyes to evildoers and evil deeds. 我们对坏人坏事决不能熟视无睹。
- We should not close our eyes to the fact that our cadres at various levels are deficient in the ability to direct modern warfare. 要看到我们各级干部指挥现代化战争的能力都很不够,不要把自己的眼睛蒙住了。
- They took it as evidence that the brain was dampening the neurons there similar to the way we consciously close our eyes to concentrate. 这表明,脑部在灵感发生前有意抑制神经细胞的活跃度,就像我们集中注意力时会有意识地闭上双眼一样。
- Modernist thinks that we can only find the happiness outside and go everywhere.In fact,when we close our eyes to look at your Buddhist heart,the happiness is already in our heart. 我们现代人,以为只有到处外求才有快乐,其实,闭起眼睛来观照禅心,快乐就在我们心里了。
- Our achievements on the theoretical front will be very poor indeed if, as members of the Communist Party of China, we close our eyes to China's problems and can only memorize isolated conclusions or principles from Marxist writings. 如果我们身为中国共产党员,却对于中国问题熟视无睹,只能记诵马克思主义书本上的个别的结论和个别的原理,那末,我们在理论战线上的成绩就未免太坏了。
- We do not shut our eyes to the difficulties. 我们并非无视这些困难。
- Now, there's no point in us closing our eyes to the fact that one day, if he continues to develop the way he has been, that Cesc and Barcelona will probably reunite. 现在,我们没有必要无视一个事实:如果塞斯克能继续像现在这样发展下去的话,在未来的某一天,塞斯克和巴塞罗那可能会重聚。
- Our difficulties and dangers will not be removed by closing our eyes to them.They will not be removed by mere waiting to see what happens;nor will they be removed by a policy of appeasement. 这一胜利是通过在战斗中以及在自由和民主的事业中结成情谊深厚的战友关系取得的。
- We cannot shut our eyes to these facts. 我们不能不承认这些事实。
- Suffer not yet our eyes to hunger for your face. 请别让我们的眼睛因渴望见到你的面容而酸痛。
- The trip opened our eyes to local customs. 这次旅游让我们对地方风情开了眼。
- We must always close our eyes and look the other way. 我们必须永远闭紧双眼另寻出路。
- Everybody,l et's close our eyes and imagine that one day you win one million yuan in the lottery,What will you do? 而对于没有买彩票的同学问为什么没有买?(这样能够扩大学生的参与面。
- We can no longer shut our eyes to the gravity of the situation. 我们对形势的严重性再也不能置之不理了。
- It is bad for our eyes to stare long at the computer screen. 长时间盯着电脑屏幕对眼睛有害。
- Someone played the disk for us;and one guide shared his experience.He told us to close our eyes when we sing the song, so that we can create a feeling of endless hugeness. 当时他们也准备了这首歌的碟片,有位很会唱的导游还传授了唱藏歌的秘绝,说:要闭着眼情唱,这样可以让自己感觉置身在无边无际的空间当中!
- close our eyes tovt. 闭眼不看(假装看不见;拒绝考虑)