- The closing date for applications is 25 May. 申请的截止日期为5月25日。
- The closing date for entries is 31 March. 参赛作品的截止期是3月31日。
- When is the closing date for the test? 每轮的截至日期是什么时候?
- Don't contribute after the closing date. 请在截止日期前投稿。
- Can I submit my results later than the closing date? 我可以在截至日期过后提交检测结果吗?
- According to USCIS, these numbers are tracking the numbers from last year so far, but many anticipate the cap being exhausted earlier than last year's August close date. 据USCIS解释,所公布的数字是包括去年一些仍在审理的案件,而不少人推测今年名额的使用速度可能会比去年更快(去年8月名额用完)。
- Begin your preparations early,or you'll miss the closing date for application. 尽早开始准备,免得错过申请的截止日期。
- Advertising copy must be delivered on or before closing date as designated. 广告稿必须在指定截稿日期前送到本公司。
- You should use the yearly average rate as at the accounts closing date. 你应采用该年度截至帐目结算日的平均兑换率。
- PESC is responsible for the period from (and including) the Closing Date. PESC将负责成交日后(包括成交日)的奖?计算及发放。
- When will be the Opening date and Closing date for the 29th Olympic Games? 第29届奥运会什么时候开始到什么时候结束?
- We are enclosing your tender form filled in,and trust that it will reach you before the closing date of the tender. 现将标单填就随函附寄,预计在招标限期截止前当能到达。
- Applicants must submit the following items to Shenzhen Economic Daily Training Center by the indicated closing date. 在报名截止日期前,申请人必须交下述资料到深圳商报社培训中心。
- The closing date for application is after the third week of Saturday of the STPM result release. 申请截止日期:马来西亚高级教育文凭考试放榜后第三个星期六。
- People say that the tiger is still lurk close to. 人们说那只老虎还躲在附近。
- Will there be any change to the closing date for applications to an advertised job vacancy? 职位空缺截止申请日期会有变动吗?
- We can't guarantee that results received after the closing date will be included in the statistical report. 我们无法保证在截止日期后收到的结果将会被纳入我们的统计报告。
- She is buying a flat close to her office. 她正在购买一套靠近她办公室的单元房。
- If it is before the closing date we will allow re-submission via our secure website. 如果是在截止日期前我们将允许您通过我们的安全站点重新提交结果。
- She's always been very close about her past life. 她对自己过去的生活一直守口如瓶。