- He has lost, in Tom Daschle (see article and Lexington) a close ally on whom he depended for his health-reform plans. 他将自己的健康改革计划托付于其亲密同盟,汤姆达施乐,然而奥巴马失败了。
- The Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has sought to dispel rumours that his close ally, Fidel Castro, is close to death. 委内瑞拉总统胡果查韦兹试图驱散谣言,传说他最亲密的同盟卡斯特快去世。
- US imperialism with its close ally the British government have launched military aggression against Afghanistan. 美帝国主义,和他的亲密盟友英国对阿富汗发起了军事侵略。
- Economy is closely allied to politics. 经济与政治有着密切的关系。
- Mr.Aso, considered a close ally of the U.S., has been weakened politically by the global downturn, parliamentary deadlocks and his occasional gaffes. 由于全球经济放缓、日本国会陷入僵局以及麻生太郎自己连连犯错,这位被视为美国亲密盟友的日本首相现在的政治实力已大为削弱。
- Such connections raise the spectre of a concerted Islamist threat against Nigeria, a close ally of America and a large oil exporter. 这种链接关系使的团结一致的伊斯兰威胁到美国和一个石油输出大国的亲密盟友尼日利亚。
- Thailand is a close ally, but United States laws require such action when a military overthrows civilian elected leaders. 虽然泰国是美国的亲密盟友,但美国法律要求,当军方推翻民选领导人时,美国政府应当采取这种行动。
- Thailand is a close ally but United States laws require such action when a military overthrows civilian elected leaders. 泰国和美国是同盟国,但美国的法律支持军事推翻民选领导人这一行动。
- President Gul was strongly criticized for agreeing to visit Armenia by both the main Turkish opposition parties, who accused him of betraying Turkey and its close ally Azerbaijan. 由于居尔总统同意访问亚美尼亚,土耳其两个主要反对党都对他提出强烈批评,指责他背叛土耳其及其亲密的盟友阿塞拜疆。
- Mr Fujii, 77, is a close ally of Mr Hatoyama and one of the few members of the cabinet with government experience and familiarity with the country's bureaucracy. 今年77岁的藤井裕久是鸠山由纪夫的亲密盟友,他是具有从政经验和熟悉该国官僚体系的少数几个内阁成员之一。
- In Beirut, anti-Syrian legislators hailed the findings and renewed their calls for Lebanese President Emile Lahoud -- a close ally of Syria -- to resign.Mr. 在贝鲁特,反叙利亚的议员赞成报告中的发现,并重新要求亲叙利亚的黎巴嫩总统拉胡德下台。
- The appointment of Mr Kan, formerly state minister for national strategy, and a close ally of Mr Hatoyama, comes just a day after Mr Fujii said he wanted to quit. 在藤井裕久表示希望辞职的第二天,前国家战略担当大臣、鸠山由纪夫的亲密盟友菅直人就被任命为财务大臣。
- The irradiated enemy and his close allies sustain damage over time. 敌人及其附近盟友将逐渐受到伤害。
- Heavy industry is closely allied to light industry. 重工业与轻工业有着密切关系。
- Our closest allies have been unwavering. 我们最亲密的友邦从未动摇。
- "I think the shortest route would be if China liberalised its economy and allowed the convertibility of the yuan," said Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin, a close ally of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. "我认为最短途径就是中国能否使其经济自由化并允许人民币的自由兑换.;";俄罗斯财政大臣亚历克斯
- Speaking earlier Sunday, Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad, a close ally of Mr.Abbas, said his government wants to work with other Arab governments to find a solution to the crisis. 阿巴斯的亲密盟友、巴勒斯坦总理法耶兹星期天早些时候说,他的政府希望和其它阿拉伯政府合作,找出应对这场危机的解决方法。
- Alfonso was concerned that in Russia "Nagorno-Karabakh dispute" in support of its closest ally Armenia. 阿方原本担心,俄罗斯在“纳卡争端”中会支持其亲密盟友亚美尼亚。
- The two companies are closely allied with each other. 这两家公司彼此联系紧密。
- I see in China the closest ally for the poor of the world and the potential to defeat the criminal oligarchy. 我认为中国是全世界穷人最亲密的盟友,并有具有打败肮脏的寡头政治的潜力。