- And unlocking a drawer, he took out the document. 他打开抽屉的锁,把文件拿了出来。
- He found the money secreted in a drawer. 他找到了藏在抽屉里的钱。
- She, came across some old photographs in a drawer. 她在抽屉里偶然发现一些旧照片。
- The stamps were found muddled up in a drawer. 抽屉里的邮票被发现全翻乱了。
- Please file (away) those letters in a drawer. 请把那些信件归档放入抽屉内。
- She came across some old photographs in a drawer. 她在抽屉里偶然发现了一些旧照片。
- She folded her dress up and put it in a drawer . 她把衣服折叠好放进抽屉里。
- It's not a photograph that you can put in a drawer! 这又不是照片,可以藏在抽屉里!”
- She folded her dress up and put it in a drawer. 她把衣服折叠好放进抽屉里。
- Earlshore opened a drawer beneath the bar. 厄尔肖打开酒柜底下的一只抽屉。
- They shoved the papers hurriedly in a drawer. 他们匆匆忙忙地把文件塞进了抽屉。
- We bundled everything into a drawer. 我们将所有的东西都塞在一个抽屉里。
- Block is used to close a file opened in the. 块中打开的文件。
- Her gloves were neatly paired in a drawer. 她的手套一副副整齐地放在抽屉里。
- Open and close a book or folder. 打开和关闭书籍或文件夹。。。
- When you close a Web site, the cache is deleted. 关闭网站时,缓存将删除。
- And unlocking a drawer,he took out the document. 他打开抽屉的锁,把文件拿了出来。
- He who opens a school door, close a prison. 开一所学校,关一所监狱。
- He's got a drawer full of medals but he's too modest to wear them. 他有满满一抽屉的奖章,但是他很谦虚,从不戴它们。
- Close a fund when Shanghai redeems most long ago? 封闭基金最早何时申赎?