- Sometime, somewhere, someone will generate a cloned human bekig. 某人将在某时某地制造一个克隆人。
- Sometime,somewhere,someone will generate a cloned human bekig. 某人将在某时某地制造一个克隆人。
- Sometime, somewhere, someone will generate a cloned human being. 某人将在某时某地制造一个克隆人。
- What somatic-cell nuclear transfer technology produces are cloned human embryos. 肉体细胞核心移植技术生产的是克隆人的胚胎。
- Britain became the first European country to legalize the creation of cloned human embryos. 英国首先承认了克隆人类胚胎的合法性。
- Experiments to try to clone human have met with criticism from some sections of the public. 试图无性繁殖人类的实验遭到了一部分公众的批评。
- Zavos has claimed in the past that he will rigorously screen cloned human embryos. 过去,扎沃斯曾声称,他会严格筛选克隆人类的胚胎。
- Since the birth of cloned sheep Dori,various argument about “cloned human being” has become a hot social issue. 自多利羊出生以来,围绕克隆人的各种讨论一直是社会中的热点问题。
- From the standpoint of technology, is it possible to clone humans ? 从技术角度看,克隆人类可能吗?
- Objective To clone human ornithine decarboxylase antizyme (OAZ) mutation gene and express its recombinant protein. 目的构建人鸟氨酸脱羧酶抗酶(OAZ)突变基因,重组至原核表达载体中并表达出重组蛋白。
- The monozygotic twin differs from the cloned human in that the former is formed naturally whereas the latter is formed by biotechnological means. 同卵双胞胎是基因完全相同的个体,只不过同卵双胞胎是自然发生,而复制人是利用生物技术完成而已。
- PPL, the company that cloned the sheep named Dolly, has applied for a patent that includes cloned human embryos as intellectual property. PPL(克隆绵羊多莉的那家公司)已经提出一项专利申请,其中包括将克隆的人类胚胎作为知识产品。
- Abstract:Objective: To clone human anti-keratin antibodies from semisynthetic phage antibody library. 摘 要:目的: 从半合成噬菌体抗体库中筛选人源性抗角蛋白抗体并进行鉴定。
- Points of evolutionism、moral philosophy、religion、medical science and the science of law about cloned human being all respond to human dignity. 三、不论是进化论、伦理学、宗教、医学和法学各观点对复制人的评论,皆与人性尊严有所呼应。
- Objective To clone human cell division cycle gene 2(CDC2)from human liver cancer tissue and express CDC2 protein in E. 目的:从人肝癌组织中克隆出人细胞分裂周期基因2(CDC2),并在大肠杆菌中表达CDC2蛋白。
- All the people around the world are against cloning human beings. 全世界的人民反对克隆人类。
- Within the first five years of the next century,a team of scientists somewhere in the wor1d will probably announce the birth of the first cloned human baby. 在下一个世纪的前五年之内,一群科学家将可能在世界上的某处宣布第一个克隆婴儿的诞生。
- AIM: To clone human soluble TRAIL cDNA and construct its eukaryotic expression vector to prepare a condition for targeted gene therapy. 克隆人可溶性trail(strail)基因并构建肿瘤细胞特异性真核表达载体;为肿瘤基因治疗的靶向性奠定实验基础.
- AIM: To clone human IL-24 (hIL-24) gene and construct its eukaryotic expression vector, then transfect it into Ca Ski cells to express hIL-24 protein. 目的:克隆人IL-24基因并构建真核表达载体;转染Ca Ski细胞进行真核表达.
- MEF, bEF, hEF feeder layer cells all can promote the efficiency of the isolation and clone human ES-like cells derived from PGCs. MEF、bEF、hEF三种饲养层细胞对人PGCs体外培养均有促进作用。