- First, traditional retailing involves selling a book through a brick and mortar retailer (e.g. a mall bookstore). 第一,传统零售意味著卖书经由实体零售店(例如:书店购物中心)。
- Put your money into bricks and mortar. 用你的钱去买房子吧。
- He was utter egoist of bricks and mortar. 他是一个彻头彻尾,顽固不化的自私的人。
- Air strikes and artillery and mortar barrages. 既有航空火力,有重炮还有迫击炮弹幕。
- Click and drag the window to dock. 单击并拖动窗口使之定位。
- A home isn't just bricks and mortar. 家不只是一所房产。
- Click and hold the "Voice" button on the View bar. 单击并按住查看栏中的“语音”按钮。
- Click and hold the mouse button. 单击并按住鼠标按钮。
- Click and move to draw large bricks. 单击并移动鼠标,画出大的砖块。
- Click and move to draw sparkles. 按著并移动滑鼠来画出火花。
- Then click and drag to resize the art. 然后点击和拉扯重量尺寸艺术。
- Click and drag in the bird's eye view to scroll. 点击鸟瞰视窗便可快速跳转到操作位置。
- People always used to tell me: put your money in bricks and mortar, there is nothing safer. So I bought my house. 人们过去总是这么告诫我:把钱用在购置房屋上吧,没有比这更保险的了。所以我买下了房子。
- Click click and rhythmically forward in protest! 一下一下地,有节奏地在抗议着!
- We now need funding to turn the plans into bricks and mortar. 我们现在需要资金将这些计划变为实实在在的大楼。
- Do grades of bricks and mortar meet the specification? 砖和砂浆的标号符合规范吗?
- This glass is ground under water using pestle and mortar. 玻璃在水下被杵和臼碾压。
- A user can also still click and drag to select a menu item. 用户仍然还可以通过单击和拖动来选择菜单项。
- Click and drag to rearrange skills in your Skill Bar. 在技能栏中点击拖曳技能来调整技能位置。
- A simple mouse click and email will save you time and money. 简单的鼠标点击和mail将节约您的时间和金钱。