- He was promoted from(a) clerk to assistant manager. 他由办事员被提升为副经理。
- Rose by degrees from clerk to manager of the store. 按阶级逐渐从店员上升到经理
- Offer up praise and adoration to sb. 颂扬并崇拜某人。
- He was promoted from a clerk to a manager. 他由职员晋升为经理。
- The clerk to the justice read out the indictment. 法官秘书宣读了起诉书。
- Go cap in hand to sb,asking for money. 卑躬屈膝地去找某人要钱。
- Off toddled the clerk to check the price herself. 店员不紧不慢地亲自回去查价钱。
- Give an example of, set an example to sb. 例子;范例;样本;常见短语有
- To extend one's warmest welcome to sb. 表示诚挚的欢迎。
- Stretch out a friendly hand to sb. 向某人伸出友谊之手。
- To have one's hand extended to sb. 向某人伸出手。
- John was promoted [advanced] from a clerk to a manager. 约翰由职员晋升为经理。
- I would like to extend my warm welcome to sb. 向某人表示热烈的欢迎。
- Emotionally dependent on sb; stay too close to sb. 感情上依靠某人;太接近某人;依恋。
- Owe sb some money, owe some money to sb. 欠某人钱。
- Wave to sb he waved to me to say goodbye. 他挥手向我道别。
- He have work his way up from junior clerk to managing director. 他已从初级职员升到总经理。
- Make a formal visit to sb to showrespect. 拜访或探望某人。
- Turn against become unfriendly to sb. 变得不友好;反对
- Leave the transaction of the matter to sb. 把这件事交某人处理。