- Whose job is it to clear snow from the road? 把路上的雪清除掉是谁的工作?
- Whose job is to clear snow from the road? 把路上的雪扫掉是谁的工作?
- Clear the dishes; clear snow from the road. 清除盘子; 清除路上的积雪
- They cleared snow from the sidewalk. 他们清理人行道上的积雪。
- May our friendship be like a snowball that rous further and further and bigger and bigger in the clean and clear snow field. 愿我们的友谊像雪球;在纯洁的雪地里越滚越远;越滚越大.
- Snowplows on the major express way and highways are clearing snow day and night. 各大快速路,超速公路上的铲雪车正在不停的铲雪。
- The clear water mirrored the blue sky. 清澈的水中映出蔚蓝的天空。
- In that case you'll have to clear yourself. 那样,你只得自行辩白了。
- The plane climbed until it was clear of the clouds. 飞机爬升穿出了云层。
- A groundsman clears snow. 星期三晚,查尔顿的球迷们不辞劳苦长途跋涉600英里去到纽卡斯尔,却在赛前半小时被告知说比赛取消。
- He trudge three hour in the snow to get back home. 他在雪中跋涉三个钟点才回到家。
- Aksu Intermediary Stations Depot launched the emergency response plan immediately after an unprecedented snow hit Aksu on February 24th. Railway Staff clearing snow on the platform of Aksu Station. 2月24日,一场罕见的大雪席卷阿克苏地区。阿克苏车务段立即启动应急预案,部署安排全段各站抗击雪灾。图为阿克苏站职工在清扫站台积雪。
- Snow scattered unequally over the mountainside. 雪不均匀地散落在山腰上。
- The snow has frozen hard on the road. 路上的雪已经冻得很硬了。
- clear the leaves from the lawn; Clear snow from the road. 扫除草坪上的叶子;清除路上的雪。
- The compacted snow on the pavement turned to ice. 人行道上被踩实的雪已变成了冰。
- Stand clear of the swinging boom of the crane. 不要走近转动的超重机吊杆。
- Children love to ball snow up in their hands. 小孩子们喜欢将雪在手里做成球儿。
- It's quite clear that the electric car is technically feasible. 电动汽车明显在工艺技术上是可行的。
- Dark clouds are a sign of rain or snow. 乌云是雨或雪将至的预兆。